R.M. Seepers

7 records found

A promising alternative for treating absence seizures has emerged through closed-loop neurostimulation, which utilizes a wearable or implantable device to detect and subsequently suppress epileptic seizures. Such devices should detect seizures fast and with high accuracy, while r ...
The cardiac interpulse interval (IPI) has recently been proposed tofacilitate key exchange for implantable medical devices (IMDs) using apatient's own heartbeats as a source of trust. While this form of key exchangeholds promise for IMD security, its feasibility is not fully unde ...
Experimental devices aiming at real-time detection and suppression of epileptic-seizure events in live subjects already exist. However, to guarantee high detection accuracy, existing approaches employ high-accuracy detection filters that overlook the incurred energy costs, thus l ...
The Inter-Pulse-Interval (IPI) of heart beats has previously been suggested for security in mobile health (mHealth) applications. In IPI-based security, secure communication is facilitated through a security key derived from the time difference between heart beats. However, there ...
In this paper, we describe the design and implementation of a new fault-tolerant RISC-processor architecture suitable for a design framework targeting biomedical implants. The design targets both soft and hard faults and is original in efficiently combining as well as enhancing c ...