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G. van der Lee
Academic Work (6)
Conference paper (1)
Journal article (2)
Report (3)
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6 records found
Cyclische verjonging van uiterwaarden; een hoogwater- en natuurbeheerstratie gemodelleerd
Journal article (2004) -
MJ Baptist (author)
AJM Smits (author)
H Duel (author)
G. van der Lee (author)
GW Geerling (author)
WE Penning (author)
JSL van Alphen (author)
All things to all men
Journal article (2003) -
G. van der Lee (author)
RM Barrett (author)
C Burger (author)
Doelrealisatie natuur. Waternood deelrapport 05
Report (2002) -
J Runhaar (author)
JC Gehrels (author)
G. van der Lee (author)
SM Hennekens (author)
W Warmelink (author)
W van der Linden (author)
PGB de Louw (author)
Functieafweging op basis van doelrealisatie en waardering: methode en toepassing. Waternood deelrapport 08
Report (2002) -
JC Gehrels (author)
J Runhaar (author)
G. van der Lee (author)
W van der Linden (author)
PGB de Louw (author)
Modelling of morphodynamics, vegetation development and fish habitat in man-made secondary channels in the River Rhine, the Netherlands
Conference paper (2002) -
MJ Baptist (author)
G. van der Lee (author)
F. Kerle (author)
E Mosselman (author)
Application of the Cyclic Floodplain Rejuvenation strategy to the Waal River
Report (2001) -
G. van der Lee (author)
MJ Baptist (author)
M. Ververs (author)
G.W. Geerling (author)