MJ Baptist
30 records found
The paper describes the process of induction of equations for the description of vegetation-induced roughness from several angles. Firstly, it describes two approaches for obtaining theoretically well-founded analytical expressions for vegetation resistance. The first of the two
This study investigates the distribution of macrozoobenthos in relation to meso-scale bedforms in the southern North Sea. Three sites on the Dutch Continental Shelf were sampled that are representative of large areas of the North Sea and show diverse morphological settings. These
The construction or designation of detention areas along lowland rivers is considered along many European rivers. Since Croatia accommodates large detention areas, both natural (e.g., Mokro Polje) and controlled (Lonjsko Polje), it serves as an excellent example for planned deten
Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 8, 02516, 2006
SRef-ID: 1607-7962/gra/EGU06-A-02516
© European Geosciences Union 2006
Modelling the influence of vegetation on the
morphodynamics of a flood event in the Allier, France
M.J. Baptist
Delft University of Technology, Faculty of
GECCO-2005 A joint meeting of the fourteenth international conference on genetic algorithms ICGA-2005) and the tenth annual genetic programming conference (GP-2005).
ACM Order Number 910052
7. CONCLUSIONS Four formulations for waterdepth-related resistance induced by vegetatio
Numerical simulations of the effects of vegetation on flow and morphology are helpful to understand the behaviour of natural rivers and to predict the developments of rehabilitated rivers. However, some fundamental problems remain in modelling these interactions. This paper descr