J.G. Nieuwenhuis
19 records found
Does segregation reduce socio-spatial mobility?
Evidence from four European countries with different inequality and segregation contexts
The neighbourhood in which people live reflects their social class and preferences, so studying socio-spatial mobility between neighbourhood types gives insight into the openness of spatial class structures of societies and into the ability of people to leave disadvantaged neighb
Existing empirical research on the link between ethnic minority concentration in residential environments and voting for the radical right is inconclusive, mainly due to major differences between studies in the spatial scale at which minority concentration is measured. We examine
The Great British Sorting Machine
Adolescents’ future in the balance of family, school and the neighborhood
Research calls attention to the divergent school and labor market trajectories of
Europe’s youth while, across the Atlantic, researchers describe the long-lasting
consequences of poverty on adolescent development. In this paper we incorporate both processes to shed a new light on
This study examined the relation between school poverty and educational attainment of adolescents, and tested whether personality trait agreeableness moderated this link. The sample consisted of 4236 adolescents, whose math abilities were assessed twice, at ages around 13/14 and
This paper examines ethnic differences in childhood neighborhood disadvantage among children living in the Netherlands. In contrast to more conventional approaches for assessing children’s exposure to neighborhood poverty (e.g., point-in-time and cumulative measures of exposure),
It is well-known that the spatial scale at which neighborhoods are operationalized can affect the outcomes we observe. This article describes a typology of children׳s neighborhood income trajectories generated by sequence analysis using 100 × 100 m grids to define neighborhoods.
Does Segregation Reduce Socio-Spatial Mobility?
Evidence from Four European Countries with Different Inequality and Segregation Contexts
The neighbourhoods in which people live reflects their social class and preferences, so studying socio-spatial mobility between neighbourhoods gives insight in the openness of spatial class structures of societies and in the ability of people to leave disadvantaged neighbourhoods
Being Poorer Than the Rest of the Neighborhood
Relative Deprivation and Problem Behavior of Youth
According to the neighborhood effects hypothesis, there is a negative relation between neighborhood wealth and youth’s problem behavior. It is often assumed that there are more problems in deprived neighborhoods, but there are also reports of higher rates of behavioral problems i
Being poorer than the rest of the neighbourhood
Relative deprivation and problem behaviour of youth
According to the neighbourhood effects hypothesis, there is a negative relation between neighbourhood wealth and youths’ problem behaviour. It is often assumed that there are more problems in deprived neighbourhoods, but there are also reports of higher rates of behavioural probl
Neighbourhood Poverty, Work Commitment and Unemployment in Early Adulthood
A Longitudinal Study into the Moderating Effect of Personality
We studied how personality moderates the effect of neighbourhood disadvantage on work commitment and unemployment in early adulthood. Using a personality typology of resilients, overcontrollers, and undercontrollers, we hypothesised that the association between neighbourhood pove
Biological Sensitivity to Context
Cortisol Awakening Response Moderates the Effects of Neighbourhood Density on the Development of Adolescent Externalizing Problem Behaviours
This four-year longitudinal study attempted to test person-environment interaction theory and biological sensitivity theory by assessing whether individuals’ biological stress activity CARAUCg (Cortisol Awakening Response Area Under the Curve with respect to ground) moderates the