Y. Li

14 records found


Embankment slopes composed of spatially variable soils have a variety of different failure modes that are affected by the correlation distances of the material properties and the geometry and total length of the slope. This paper examines the reliability of soil slopes for emb ...

OPERA-PU-TUD321d Radioactive substances and ionizing radiation are used in medicine, industry, agriculture, re- search, education and electricity production. This generates radioactive waste. In the Netherlands, this waste is collected, treated and stored by COVRA (Centrale Organ ...

Reliability of long heterogeneous slopes in 3d

Model performance and conditional simulation

Highway embankments, river dykes and sea dykes usually have a uniform cross-section and extend for a long distance in the third dimension. These long soil structures are generally characterised by spatially varying soil properties, i.e. soil heterogeneity. Slope stability failure ...
The three dimensional nature of soil spatial variability implies the need for 3D analysis of geotechnical structures. This paper presents the probabilistic analysis of long slopes such as levees and highway embankments, which are usually analysed unrealistically in plane strain, ...
A preliminary probabilistic study of the stability of a circular drift excavated for a radioactive waste repository in the French Callovo-Oxfordian claystone is presented and discussed. An analytical mechanical model assuming isotropic elastic behaviour and linear plastic softeni ...

A method of combining 3D Kriging for geotechnical sampling schemes with an existing random field generator is presented and validated. Conditional random fields of soil heterogeneity are then linked with finite elements, within a Monte Carlo framework, to investigate optimum s ...