P. Hulsman

8 records found

On the importance of plant phenology in the evaporative process of a semi-arid woodland

Could it be why satellite-based evaporation estimates in the miombo differ?

The miombo woodland is the largest dry woodland formation in sub-Saharan Africa, covering an estimated area of 2.7–3.6 million km2. Compared to other global ecosystems, the miombo woodland demonstrates unique interactions between plant phenology and climate. For instance, it expe ...

Learning from satellite observations

Increased understanding of catchment processes through stepwise model improvement

Satellite observations can provide valuable information for a better understanding of hydrological processes and thus serve as valuable tools for model structure development and improvement. While model calibration and evaluation have in recent years started to make increasing us ...

Satellite data in rainfall-runoff models

Exploring new opportunities for semi-arid, data-scarce river basins

Throughout the world, many people have been affected by water related issues in the past, some more extreme than others. In this context, hydrological models have often been used to gain more insight into the situation and to limit negative impacts as much as possible. There are ...

Satellite-based drought analysis in the Zambezi River Basin

Was the 2019 drought the most extreme in several decades as locally perceived?

Study region: The study area is the river basin upstream of the Kariba dam located in the Zambezi River at the border of Zambia and Zimbabwe. Study focus: During the dry season of 2019 in Sub-Saharan Africa, extremely low water levels occurred in the Zambezi. According to news me ...
In the Luangwa basin in Zambia, long-term total water storage variations were observed with Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment, but not reproduced by a standard conceptual hydrological model that encapsulates our current understanding of the dominant regional hydrological pr ...
Limited availability of ground measurements in the vast majority of river basins world-wide increases the value of alternative data sources such as satellite observations in hydrological modelling. This study investigates the potential of using remotely sensed river water levels, ...
Hydrological models play an important role in water resources management. These models generally rely on discharge data for calibration. Discharge time series are normally derived from observed water levels by using a rating curve. However, this method suffers from many uncertain ...
In hydrology and water resources management, precipitation and discharge are the main time series for hydrological modelling. However, in African river catchments, the quantity and quality of the available precipitation stations and discharge measurements are unfortunately often ...