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M.A. Siddiqi

14 records found



From Single-Target to Brain-Network Modulation: Why and What Is Needed?

Objectives: Current techniques in brain stimulation are still largely based on a phrenologic approach that a single brain target can treat a brain disorder. Nevertheless, meta-analyses of brain implants indicate an overall success rate of 50% improvement in 50% of patients, ir ...

Next-generation personalized healthcare devices are undergoing extreme miniaturization in order to improve user acceptability. However, such developments make it difficult to incorporate cryptographic primitives using available target tech-nologies since these algorithms are noto ...
A Medical Body Area Network (MBAN) is an ensemble of collaborating, potentially heterogeneous, medical devices located inside, on the surface of or around the human body with the objective of tackling one or multiple medical conditions of the MBAN host. These devices-which are a ...

Implantable Medical Devices (IMDs) belong to a class of highly life-critical, resource-constrained, deeply embedded systems out there. Their gradual conversion to wirelessly accessible devices in recent years has made them amenable to numerous successful ethical-hacking attemp ...

Modern Implantable Medical Devices (IMDs) are vulnerable to security attacks because of their wireless connectivity to the outside world. One of the main security challenges is establishing trust between the IMD and an external reader/programmer in order to facilitate secure c ...

Zero-Power Defense Done Right

Shielding IMDs from Battery-Depletion Attacks

The wireless capabilities of modern Implantable Medical Devices (IMDs) make them vulnerable to security attacks. One prominent attack, which has disastrous consequences for the patient’s wellbeing, is the battery Denial-of-Service attack whereby the IMD is occupied with contin ...


Architecting a Secure Protocol for Implantable Medical Devices

Over the past decade, focus on the security and privacy aspects of implantable medical devices (IMDs) has intensified, driven by the multitude of cybersecurity vulnerabilities found in various existing devices. However, due to their strict computational, energy and physical co ...


IMD Security vs. Energy: Are we tilting at windmills?.

Implantable Medical Devices (IMDs) such as pacemakers and neurostimulators are highly constrained in terms of energy. In addition, the wireless-communication facilities of these devices also impose security requirements considering their life-critical nature. However, security ...

Modern Implantable Medical Devices (IMDs) feature wireless connectivity, which makes them vulnerable to security attacks. Particular to IMDs is the battery Denial-of-Service attack whereby attackers aim to fully deplete the battery by occupying the IMD with continuous authenti ...


One-third of patients suffering from chronic epilepsy, which is caused by abnormal brain activity, is drug-resistant. Animal models are widely used to study the mechanisms leading to epilepsy so better drug treatments can be developed for this disease. In such studies, epileptifo ...
Purkinje cell is a type of neuron that can be found in the cerebellum. What characterises Purkinje cell neural activity is the fact that it exhibits two types of spiking behaviour; the so-called simple and complex spikes. These two types of spikes are thought to play a role in mo ...
The recent advances in the semiconductor industry have given rise to the development of highly scalable, wireless and battery-free neural-implant interfaces that enable brain monitoring and brain stimulation with high spatial and temporal resolution. Such implants are referred to ...
Epilepsy is a medical condition which is caused by excessive or synchronous neuronal activity of the brain cells. These activities can lead to attacks where the patient can lose conciseness or experiences random muscle cramps at seemingly any point in time. Using implantable on b ...
Medical Body Area Networks (MBANs) are a cluster of possibly heterogeneous devices, communicating with each other in, on or around the human body. Through these devices, medical data is collected, processed in some way and transferred outside of the network. The IEEE 802.15.6 sta ...