Thomas Krijnen

5 records found


GeoBIM benchmark 2019

Design and initial results

GeoBIM, the integration of 3D geoinformation (Geo) with building information models (BIM), is a subject of increasing attention in both domains. A well-known practical challenge for this integration is the mixed state of software support for open standards in each domain that wou ...

Integratie BIM- en GIS-data

Makkelijker gezegd dan gedaan?

GIS-data worden gebruikt om de leefomgeving te modelleren ten behoeve van ruimtelijke analyses en BIM-data voor het ontwerp, het bouwen en het beheer van bouwwerken. De grens tussen GIS en BIM vervaagt echter en er is een groeiende vraag om beide typen data te integreren.@en

Processing BIM and GIS Models in Practice

Experiences and Recommendations from a GeoBIM Project in The Netherlands

It is widely acknowledged that the integration of BIM and GIS data is a crucial step forward for future 3D city modelling, but most of the research conducted so far has covered only the high-level and semantic aspects of GIS-BIM integration. This paper presents the results of the ...

Towards an integration of GIS and BIM data

What are the geometric and topological issues?

Geographic information and building information modelling both model buildings and infrastructure, but the way in which they are modelled is usually complimentary and BIM-GIS integration is widely considered as a way forward for both domains. For one, more detailed BIM data c ...
Much work has already been done on how a 3D Cadastre should best be developed. An inclusive information model, the Land Administration Model (LADM ISO 19152) has been developed to provide an international framework for how this can best be done. This conceptual model does not pre ...