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JC Wojdel
Academic Work (16)
Abstract (1)
Conference paper (6)
Doctoral thesis (1)
Journal article (7)
Poster (1)
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16 records found
Comparison between different feature extraction techniques for audio-visual speech recognition
Journal article (2007) -
AG Chitu (author)
LJM Rothkrantz (author)
P Wiggers (author)
JC Wojdel (author)
Comparison between different feature extraction techniques in lipreading applications
Conference paper (2006) -
L. Rothkrantz (author)
JC Wojdel (author)
P Wiggers (author)
Interaction of SiO2 with single-walled carbon nanotubes
Journal article (2005) -
JC Wojdel (author)
ST Bromley (author)
Adsorption isotherms of H2 in microporous materials with the SOD structure: A grand canonical Monte Carlo study
Journal article (2005) -
AWC van den Berg (author)
ST Bromley (author)
JC Wojdel (author)
JC Jansen (author)
Periodic and cluster calculations of cyanometallates: interplay between different methods in understanding catalytic mechanisms
Abstract (2005) -
JC Wojdel (author)
ST Bromley (author)
From cluster calculations to molecular materials: a mixed pseudopotential approach to modeling mixed-valence systems
Journal article (2005) -
JC Wojdel (author)
ST Bromley (author)
Molecular hydrogen confined within nanoporous framework materials: comparison of density functional and classical force-field descriptions
Journal article (2005) -
AWC van den Berg (author)
ST Bromley (author)
JC Wojdel (author)
JC Jansen (author)
Fusing data streams in continuous audio-visual speech recognition
Journal article (2005) -
L. Rothkrantz (author)
JC Wojdel (author)
P Wiggers (author)
DFT modelling of double metal cyanide catalyst bulk and surface properties
Poster (2004) -
JC Wojdel (author)
ST Bromley (author)
Molecular-dynamics analysis of the diffusion of molecular hydrogen in all-silica sodalite
Journal article (2004) -
AWC van den Berg (author)
ST Bromley (author)
E Flikkema (author)
JC Wojdel (author)
T Maschmeyer (author)
JC Jansen (author)
Density functional theory calculations of structure and properties of hexacyanocobaltates/hexacyanoferrates using planewaves and ultrasoft pseudopotentials
Conference paper (2004) -
JC Wojdel (author)
ST Bromley (author)
T Maschmeyer (author)
Automatic lipreading in the Dutch language
Doctoral thesis (2003) -
JC Wojdel (author)
Fuzzy-logical implementation of co-occurrence rules for combining aus
Conference paper (2003) -
AW Wojdel (author)
Leon Rothkrantz (author)
JC Wojdel (author)
An audio-visual corpus for multimodal speech recognition in Dutch language
Conference paper (2002) -
JC Wojdel (author)
P Wiggers (author)
L. Rothkrantz (author)
Medium vocabulary continuous audio-visual speech recognition
Conference paper (2002) -
P Wiggers (author)
JC Wojdel (author)
L. Rothkrantz (author)
Development of a speech recognizer for the Dutch language
Conference paper (2002) -
P Wiggers (author)
JC Wojdel (author)
L. Rothkrantz (author)