L.J.M. Rothkrantz
320 records found
Many high school students require costly private lessons to prepare for their final exams. These lessons go beyond what regular schools can provide. As a proof of concept, a distance learning program for exam preparation has been created using Moodle. It offers study materials th
The grow of urban environments caused many problems in traffic networks. On the roads in and around an urban environment many traffic incidents happen all the time, especially during rush hours or bad weather conditions. To minimize the negative impacts, an incident scene has to
At many times we observed disturbances of traffic flow on highways. This may be caused by traffic accidents, bad weather conditions, road maintenance or rush hours. The Road Traffic Management takes many rules and regulation, to make road sections more robust to disturbances and
For many years the Dutch NS Railway Company runs all trains in the Netherlands. It can be expected that next year different transport companies will exploit the Dutch railway network. Possible that they will use different systems to design timetables, generate travel plans and to
Recently articles in Newspapers, University News Bulletins and Scientific Literature report about negative aspects of the wellbeing of students caused by COVID-19 epidemic. Half of the students have mental problems and don't participate in the teaching learning process anymore. I
In 1979 Fukushima developed a hierarchical, multilayered neural network called Neocognitron and used it for the automatic recognition of handwritten Japanese symbols. We combined the Neocognitron classifier with a special image and segment processor and applied the system in 2001
The areas of many cities in the Netherlands are covered by a network of stationary sensors, measuring special components of air pollution such as CO2, NO2, PM2.5 and PM10. The pollution with fine dust along roads, surrounding and crossing the city is primarily related to traffic
In 2002 the city of Prague was affected by a flooding of the river Vltava, caused by heavy rainfall in the Southwest area of the Czech Republic. Successive parts of the city were inundated and inhabitants have to be evacuated from areas threatened by the raising water. After brea
The Corona crisis limits the mobility of people and it proves that many people have an increased body mass index. A lot of people want to increase their fitness and to boost their immune system. There is a run-on fitness schools and fitness equipment for the home environment. At
The INTERSPEECH 2021 computational paralinguistics challenge
COVID-19 cough, COVID-19 speech, escalation & primates
The INTERSPEECH 2021 Computational Paralinguistics Challenge addresses four different problems for the first time in a research competition under well-defined conditions: In the COVID-19 Cough and COVID-19 Speech Sub-Challenges, a binary classification on COVID-19 infection has t
Social media play an important role in crisis events. People in crisis events can report their observations of the crisis environment, and their mental and physical state. They can ask for help or assistance via Twitter. Some studies report, that some or a lot of compassion, conc
In this paper we present an information system improving situational awareness, communication and management during a flooding crisis. The system is based on the agent framework (JADE) and a blackboard like functionality, which enables rescue workers and services to improve commu
Current route planners on smart phones or special routing devices try to minimize the traveling time. But many users are no longer interested in the shortest route in time but they prefer a healthier route. In many smart cities there is a centralized distributed network of sensor
Last year's we can observe an enormous grow of surveillance systems in the public domain. In many countries surveillance systems are under discussion because of the privacy aspects of people. In the nineties many multimodal systems were developed for surveillance in Dutch trains.
The recovery of the economy, after the crisis at the beginning of this century, causes an enormous increase of traffic on the roads in the Netherlands in and around cities. After many years of discussion road pricing is considered as the most reasonable solution. Car drivers have
A Smart City can be considered as an open living lab, where new technology will be developed, implemented and tested. The focus of smart cities in this paper is on the safety of citizens, sustainable energy, risk prevention of disasters, smart transport systems using information
Most routing devices use real time traffic information. It proved that the first hours of a new day can be used to find a good matching day in the past. The traffic data from the matching day can be used to predict traffic streams on the current day. We designed a historic databa
In designing a course a teacher defines the educational goals, selects the teaching material and the way of assessment and finally defines a didactic model. In this didactic model the teacher defines his way of teaching taking into account the different ways of learning. Students
Negative emotions and stress can impact human-human interactions and eventually lead to aggression. From the perspective of surveillance systems, it is of high importance to recognize as soon as an interaction escalates and human intervention is needed. One of the limitations of