HJCM Sterenborg
9 records found
Optical spectroscopy may be used for in vivo, noninvasive distinction of malignant from normal tissue. The aim of our study was to analyze the accuracy of various optical spectroscopic techniques for the classification of cancerous lesions of the bronchial tree. We developed a fi
autofluorescence spectroscopy ¿ cancer detection ¿ combined classifiers ¿ oral cancer ¿ reflectance spectroscopy
Background and Objectives
Autofluorescence and diffuse reflectance spectroscopy have been used separately and combined for tissue diagnostics.
Detection of malignancies of the bronchial tree in an early stage, such as carcinoma in situ (CIS), augments the cure rate considerably. It has been shown that the sensitivity of autofluorescence bronchoscopy is better than white light bronchoscopy for the detection of CIS and dy
Abstract Autofluorescence spectroscopy and Raman spectroscopy have been suggested for lesion diagnostics. We investigate the information contained in autofluorescence and Raman spectra recorded from oral tissue slices of various lesion types. Thirty-seven human oral mucosa lesion