12 records found


Membrane shells, which have minimized bending moments under certain load conditions, are regarded as ideal structural forms in terms of material efficiency. Most of the existing numerical form-finding methods are based on discretizing membranes into finite panels or funicular net ...
Numerical inverse hanging method is a kind of efficient form-finding method which can generate shell structures free of bending moments under certain external loads. This paper proposes an improved numerical inverse hanging method based on the vector form intrinsic finite element ...
Shell structures generated from hanging models have structurally efficient forms. Form-control of these shells, which aims to obtain structural forms with single- and multiple target heights due to some architectural requirements, is discussed in this article. First, the vector f ...

Form Follows Force

A theoretical framework for Structural Morphology, and Form-Finding research on shell structures

With the springing up of freeform architectures, the key problem to structural engineers is to generate structural forms with high structural efficiency subject to the architectural space constraints during the conceptual design process. In this research, a theoretical framework ...
Vector form intrinsic finite element is a recently developed and promising numerical method for the analysis of complicated structural behavior. Taking the cable-link element as example, the framework of the vector form intrinsic finite element is explained first. Based on this, ...
Firefly Algorithm (FA, for short) is inspired by the social behavior of fireflies and their phenomenon of bioluminescent communication. Based on the fundamentals of FA, two improved strategies are proposed to conduct size and topology optimization for trusses with discrete design ...
By using inflatable moulds and then spraying cellulose-water mixture, one ice dome and two ice towers were built in Harbin in December 2016. During the whole process, form-finding of the inflatable moulds as well as the construction of these ice composite shell structures are ver ...
There has been a long tradition in making ice structures, but the development of technical improvements for making ice buildings is a new field with just a handful of researchers. Most of the projects were realized by professors in cooperation with their students as part of their ...
Due to its wide range of related research contents and diversified research approaches, the term ‘Structural Morphology’ has not been clearly defined by the Structural Morphology Group (SMG) of the International Association for Shells and Spatial Structures (IASS), founded in 199 ...
Discrete networks is a kind of form-active structural system which actively change its shape under varying load conditions. And for this kind of structural system, form-finding is the initial and essential part in their design process. Before the computer age, people complete the ...
Hanging models play an important role in shaping a structure since a very early age, and were favored by A. Gaudi, H. Isler, F. Otto and other architects or engineers. Nowadays, with the development of numerical analysis theory and computer technique, it is more accurate and conv ...