Form-control of shell structures generated from hanging models with target heights

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Shell structures generated from hanging models have structurally efficient forms. Form-control of these shells, which aims to obtain structural forms with single- and multiple target heights due to some architectural requirements, is discussed in this article. First, the vector form intrinsic finite element method is applied to generate the equilibrium form of hanging membranes and thus shell structures. Subsequently, the form-control problem is discussed, which aims to generate a structural form subject to given target height constrains. By introducing the Local Linearization Method to adjust Young’s modulus of the initial structural model, a form-control strategy to generate the equilibrium structural form with a single target height is proposed. By introducing the Inverse Iteration Method to adjust the geometry of the initial model, a form-control strategy to generate the equilibrium structural form with several target heights is proposed. Moreover, to verify the effectiveness of the vector form intrinsic finite element method and form-control strategies, structural analyses and shell behavior assessment of these shells are conducted. These strategies are effective and efficient, which can help architects or engineers to determine structurally efficient geometries in the design process much more easily.


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