Isabel Bento

5 records found

Granulicella tundricola hydroxynitrile lyase (GtHNL) is a manganese dependent cupin that catalyzes the enantioselective synthesis of cyanohydrins. The analysis of its active site shows high similarity with the active site of cupin Tm1459 from Thermotoga maritima, an enzyme that c ...
Retaining LeLoir glycosyltransferases catalyze the formation of glycosidic bonds between nucleotide sugar donors and carbohydrate acceptors. The anomeric selectivity of trehalose transferase from Thermoproteus uzoniensis was investigated for both d- and l-glycopyranose acceptors. ...
LeLoir glycosyltransferases are important biocatalysts for the production of glycosidic bonds in natural products, chiral building blocks, and pharmaceuticals. Trehalose transferase (TreT) is of particular interest since it catalyzes the stereo- and enantioselective α,α-(1→1) cou ...
The class II hydroxy ketoacid aldolase A5VH82 from Sphingomonas wittichii RW1 (SwHKA) accepts hydroxypyruvate as nucleophilic donor substrate, giving access to synthetically challenging 3,4-dihydroxy-α-ketoacids. The crystal structure of holo-SwHKA in complex with hydroxypyruvate ...