During the last decade, the transportation market has experienced a remarkable transformation. Unprecedented technological innovation and an increasing concern about pollution and climate change have pushed society towards sustainable mobility solutions. Among these, the main cur
During the last decade, the transportation market has experienced a remarkable transformation. Unprecedented technological innovation and an increasing concern about pollution and climate change have pushed society towards sustainable mobility solutions. Among these, the main current options for personal transportation are battery and hydrogen fuel cell electric vehicles. Despite the social relevance of this topic, most research about technology dominance in this standards battle does not make use of a comprehensive framework of factors, what has a negative impact on the validity and usefulness of the obtained results. The main objective of this research study is to determine which factors affect technology dominance in the standards battle between battery and hydrogen fuel cell electric vehicles according to experts. To accomplish this task, a comprehensive framework of factors for technology dominance is employed in combination with the multi-criteria decision-making tool known as the Best Worst Method to analyse the data provided by experts on this specific case. The results of this thesis deliver a first indication of which aspects seem to drive technology dominance in this standards battle. The performed data analysis shows that technological superiority, compatibility and brand reputation and credibility stand as key factors for technology dominance in this particular case according to experts. Furthermore, eight additional factors are found to be relevant for this technology battle. This research study contributes to scientific literature by delivering a first indication of which factors are relevant, and how important these are, for the standards battle between battery and hydrogen fuel cell electric vehicles. These findings may be useful for assessing other technology battles in the automotive industry as well as in similar sectors. In addition, this thesis contributes to find out which factors tend to drive technology dominance in standards battles in general.