V. Volkov

12 records found


During cell division, kinetochores link chromosomes to spindle microtubules. The Ndc80 complex, a crucial microtubule binder, populates each kinetochore with dozens of copies. Whether adjacent Ndc80 complexes cooperate to promote microtubule binding remains unclear. Here we de ...

Microtubules are dynamic cytoskeletal filaments that can generate forces when polymerizing and depolymerizing. Proteins that follow growing or shortening microtubule ends and couple forces to cargo movement are important for a wide range of cellular processes. Quantifying thes ...

Microtubules are dynamic cytoskeletal polymers, and their organization and stability are tightly regulated by numerous cellular factors. While regulatory proteins controlling the formation of interphase microtubule arrays and mitotic spindles have been extensively studied, the ...

In the mitotic spindle, microtubules attach to chromosomes via kinetochores. The microtubule-binding Ndc80 complex is an integral part of kinetochores, and is essential for kinetochores to attach to microtubules and to transmit forces from dynamic microtubule ends to the chrom ...

Growing microtubule ends organize end-tracking proteins into comets of mixed composition. Here using a reconstituted fission yeast system consisting of end-binding protein Mal3, kinesin Tea2 and cargo Tip1, we found that these proteins can be driven into liquid-phase droplets ...

The actin and microtubule cytoskeletons form active networks in the cell that can contract and remodel, resulting in vital cellular processes such as cell division and motility. Motor proteins play an important role in generating the forces required for these processes, but mo ...

Microtubule-dependent organization of membranous organelles occurs through motor-based pulling and by coupling microtubule dynamics to membrane remodeling. For example, tubules of endoplasmic reticulum (ER) can be extended by kinesin- and dynein-mediated transport and through ...

Microtubules pull the strings

Disordered sequences as efficient couplers of microtubule-generated force

Microtubules are dynamic polymers that grow and shrink through addition or loss of tubulin subunits at their ends. Microtubule ends generate mechanical force that moves chromosomes and cellular organelles, and provides mechanical tension. Recent literature describes a number o ...

Kinesin-13 motors regulate precise microtubule dynamics and limit microtubule length throughout metazoans by depolymerizing microtubule ends. Recently, the kinesin-13 motor family member MCAK (also known Kif2C) has been proposed to undergo large conformational changes during i ...

Errorless chromosome segregation requires load-bearing attachments of the plus ends of spindle microtubules to chromosome structures named kinetochores. How these end-on kinetochore attachments are established following initial lateral contacts with the microtubule lattice is ...

Presence of multiple copies of the microtubule-binding NDC80 complex is an evolutionary conserved feature of kinetochores, points of attachment of chromosomes to spindle microtubules. This may enable multivalent attachments to microtubules, with implications that remain unexpl ...

Asymmetric flat-sheet membranes made of poly(vinyltrimethylsilane) (PVTMS) were studied for the regeneration of amine-based absorption solvents in a membrane gas-liquid contactor at 100°C. It was shown that PVTMS membrane possesses good mechanical and chemical stability in con ...