Gijs Van Soest

16 records found

Safety and efficacy of coronary drug-eluting stents (DES) are often preclinically tested using healthy or minimally diseased swine. These generally show significant fibrotic neointima at follow-up, while in patients, incomplete healing is often observed. The aim of this study was ...
Optical coherence elastography (OCE), a functional extension of optical coherence tomography (OCT), visualizes tissue strain to deduce the tissue’s biomechanical properties. In this study, we demonstrate intravascular OCE using a 1.1 mm motorized catheter and a 1.6 MHz Fourier do ...
Atherosclerosis is a lipid-driven and an inflammatory disease of the artery walls. The composition of atherosclerotic plaque stratifies the risk of a specific plaque to cause a cardiovascular event. In an optical resolution photoacoustic microscopy setup, of 45 μm resolution, we ...
Photoacoustic (PA) imaging can be used to monitor flowing blood inside the microvascular and capillary bed. Ultrasound speckle decorrelation based velocimetry imaging was previously shown to accurately estimate blood flow velocity in mouse brain (micro-)vasculature. Translating t ...
Despite advanced understanding of the biology of atherosclerosis, coronary heart disease remains the leading cause of death worldwide. Progress has been challenging as half of the individuals who suffer sudden cardiac death do not experience premonitory symptoms. Furthermore, it ...
Prospective identification of lipid-rich vulnerable plaque has remained an elusive goal. Intravascular photoacoustics, a hybrid optical and ultrasonic technology, was developed as a tool for lipid-rich plaque imaging. Here, we present the first in vivo images of lipid-rich corona ...
Imaging guidance is paramount to procedural success in minimally invasive interventions. Catheter-based therapies are the standard of care in the treatment of many cardiac disorders, including coronary artery disease, structural heart disease and electrophysiological conditions. ...
In interventional cardiology catheters are routinely used to access and treat defects and diseases in the heart. Image guidance using forward-looking (FL)ultrasound transducers at the tip of the catheter could give the physician visual feedback during complex procedures such as v ...
Photoacoustic signals can have very large bandwidth and large dynamic range. With appropriate electrical impedance matching, off-resonance PVDF transducers offer the bandwidth and sensitivity to fully capture these signals. Minimizing pitch and kerf in ultrasound transducer to im ...
Atrial fibrillation is a cardiac arrhythmia stemming from abnormal electrical conduction/impulse formation in the atria. To restore cardiac rhythm an RF ablation (RFA) procedure, interrupting aberrant electrical patterns, is commonly performed. One way of improving the procedure ...
Intravascular photoacoustic/ultrasound imaging (IVPA/US) can image the structure and composition of atherosclerotic lesions identifying lipid-rich plaques ex vivo and in vivo. In the literature, multiple IVPA/US catheter designs were presented and validated both in ex-vivo models ...
The absorption of nanosecond laser pulses induces rapid thermo-elastic deformation in tissue. A sub-micrometer scale displacement occurs within a few microseconds after the pulse arrival. In this Letter, we investigate the laser-induced thermo-elastic deformation using a 1.5 MHz ...
The information in an ultrasound image depends on the frequency that is used. In a clinical examination it may therefore be beneficial to generate ultrasound images acquired at multiple frequencies, which is difficult to achieve with conventional transducers. Capacitive micromach ...
Atrial fibrillation (AF) is the most common sustained cardiac arrhythmia in clinical practice, with increasing incidence globally. RF ablation is a common treatment for AF, attempting to interrupt aberrant electrical patterns. The success rate of this procedure is suboptimal (∼60 ...
Microbubbles are used to enhance the contrast in ultrasound imaging. When coated with an optically absorbing material, these bubbles can also provide contrast in photoacoustic imaging. This multimodal aspect is of pronounced interest to the field of medical imaging. The aim of th ...
Photoacoustic (PA) imaging offers several attractive features as a biomedical imaging modality, including excellent spatial resolution and functional information such as tissue oxygenation. A key limitation, however, is the contrast to noise ratio that can be obtained from tissue ...