Bram Meijlink
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Phospholipid-coated targeted microbubbles are used for ultrasound molecular imaging and locally enhanced drug delivery, with the binding efficacy being an important trait. The use of organic solvent in microbubble production makes the difference between a heterogeneous or homogeneous ligand distribution. This study demonstrates the effect of ligand distribution on the binding efficacy of phospholipid-coated ανβ3-targeted microbubbles in vitro using a monolayer of human umbilical-vein endothelial cells and in vivo using chicken embryos. Microbubbles with a homogeneous ligand distribution had a higher binding efficacy than those with a heterogeneous ligand distribution both in vitro and in vivo. In vitro, 1.55× more microbubbles with a homogeneous ligand distribution bound under static conditions, while this was 1.49× more under flow with 1.25 dyn/cm2, 1.56× more under flow with 2.22 dyn/cm2, and 1.25× more in vivo. The in vitro dissociation rate of bound microbubbles with homogeneous ligand distribution was lower at low shear stresses (1-5 dyn/cm2). The internalized depth of bound microbubbles was influenced by microbubble size, not by ligand distribution. In conclusion, for optimal binding the use of organic solvent in targeted microbubble production is preferable over directly dispersing phospholipids in aqueous medium.
@enUltrasound insonification of microbubbles can locally enhance drug delivery by increasing the cell membrane permeability. To aid development of a safe and effective therapeutic microbubble, more insight into the microbubble-cell interaction is needed. In this in vitro study we aimed to investigate the initial 3D morphology of the endothelial cell membrane adjacent to individual microbubbles (n = 301), determine whether this morphology was affected upon binding and by the type of ligand on the microbubble, and study its influence on microbubble oscillation and the drug delivery outcome. High-resolution 3D confocal microscopy revealed that targeted microbubbles were internalized by endothelial cells, while this was not the case for non-targeted or IgG1-κ control microbubbles. The extent of internalization was ligand-dependent, since αvβ3-targeted microbubbles were significantly more internalized than CD31-targeted microbubbles. Ultra-high-speed imaging (~17 Mfps) in combination with high-resolution confocal microscopy (n = 246) showed that microbubble internalization resulted in a damped microbubble oscillation upon ultrasound insonification (2 MHz, 200 kPa peak negative pressure, 10 cycles). Despite damped oscillation, the cell's susceptibility to sonoporation (as indicated by PI uptake) was increased for internalized microbubbles. Monitoring cell membrane integrity (n = 230) showed the formation of either a pore, for intracellular delivery, or a tunnel (i.e. transcellular perforation), for transcellular delivery. Internalized microbubbles caused fewer transcellular perforations and smaller pore areas than non-internalized microbubbles. In conclusion, studying microbubble-mediated drug delivery using a state-of-the-art imaging system revealed receptor-mediated microbubble internalization and its effect on microbubble oscillation and resulting membrane perforation by pores and tunnels.
@enVolumetric ultrasound imaging of blood flow with microbubbles enables a more complete visualization of the microvasculature. Sparse arrays are ideal candidates to perform volumetric imaging at reduced manufacturing complexity and cable count. However, due to the small number of transducer elements, sparse arrays often come with high clutter levels, especially when wide beams are transmitted to increase the frame rate. In this study, we demonstrate with a prototype sparse array probe and a diverging wave transmission strategy, that a uniform transmission field can be achieved. With the implementation of a spatial coherence beamformer, the background clutter signal can be effectively suppressed, leading to a signal to background ratio improvement of 25 dB. With this approach, we demonstrate the volumetric visualization of single microbubbles in a tissue-mimicking phantom as well as vasculature mapping in a live chicken embryo chorioallantoic membrane.
@enPhotoacoustic (PA) imaging can be used to monitor flowing blood inside the microvascular and capillary bed. Ultrasound speckle decorrelation based velocimetry imaging was previously shown to accurately estimate blood flow velocity in mouse brain (micro-)vasculature. Translating this method to photoacoustic imaging will allow simultaneous imaging of flow velocity and extracting functional parameters like blood oxygenation. In this study, we use a pulsed laser diode and a quantitative method based on normalized first order field autocorrelation function of PA field fluctuations to estimate flow velocities in an ink tube phantom and in the microvasculature of the chorioallantoic membrane of a chicken embryo. We demonstrate how the decorrelation time of signals acquired over frames are related to the flow speed and show that the PA flow analysis based on this approach is an angle independent flow velocity imaging method.
@enThe chicken embryo and the blood-vessel rich chorioallantoic membrane (CAM) is a valuable in vivo model to investigate biomedical processes, new ultrasound pulsing schemes, or novel transducers for contrast-enhanced ultrasound imaging and microbubble-mediated drug delivery. The reasons for this are the accessibility of the embryo and vessel network of the CAM as well as the low costs of the model. An important step to get access to the embryo and CAM vessels is to take the egg content out of the eggshell. In this protocol, three methods for taking the content out of the eggshell between day 5 and 8 of incubation are described thus allowing the embryos to develop inside the eggshell up to these days. The described methods only require simple tools and equipment and yield a higher survival success rate of 90% for 5-day, 75% for 6-day, 50% for 7-day, and 60% for 8-day old incubated eggs in comparison to ex ovo cultured embryos (~50%). The protocol also describes how to inject cavitation nuclei, such as microbubbles, into the CAM vascular system, how to separate the membrane containing the embryo and CAM from the rest of the egg content for optically transparent studies, and how to use the chicken embryo and CAM in a variety of short-term ultrasound experiments. The in vivo chicken embryo and CAM model is extremely relevant to investigate novel imaging protocols, ultrasound contrast agents, and ultrasound pulsing schemes for contrast-enhanced ultrasound imaging, and to unravel the mechanisms of ultrasound-mediated drug delivery.