S. Juhošová

3 records found

Type-checkers are used to verify certain attributes of programs are correct. Avoiding bugs in type-checkers is especially important when accepting faulty programs has serious real-world consequences. Correct-by-construction programming aims to prevent such bugs by embedding proof ...

An Exceptional Type-Checker

Advancing Type-Checker Reliability with the Correct-by-Construction Approach for a Toy Language with Checked Exceptions

The Correct-by-Construction (CbC) programming paradigm has gained increasing attention, particularly with the rise of dependently typed languages. The CbC approach is often characterized as rigid, rule-based construction process making it suitable for critical infrastructure like ...
As programming languages become ever more sophisticated, there is growing interest in powerful and expressive type systems. Substructural type systems increase expressiveness by allowing the programmer to reason about the number of times and the order in which variables can be us ...