Josep R. Medina
13 records found
Homogeneous Low-Crested Structures (HLCS) with pre-cast concrete units are a new coastal structure to protect beaches from wave attack. HLCS are a natural based solution which can be used to restore degraded coral reefs areas where not only the coastal protection is important but
Armor erosion due to wave attack has been studied intensively since it is considered the main failure mode of mound breakwaters. Cube-armored mound breakwaters in depth-limited breaking wave conditions are common in practice but have received limited attention in the literature.
Homogeneous low-crested structures to protect beaches and regenerate coral reefs
The retreat of coral reefs during decades, and their progressive degradation, is a clear indicator of the poor health of coastal ecosystems, which in turn affects the stability of nearby beaches protected by these reefs. In addition to their importance in the resilience of coasta
Sea level rise due to climate change, as well as social pressure to decrease the visual impact of coastal structures, have led to reduced crest freeboards, and this increases the overtopping hazard. In previous studies, pedestrian safety during overtopping events was assessed con
Armor damage due to wave attack is the principal failure mode to be considered when designing conventional mound breakwaters. Armor layers of mound breakwaters are typically designed using formulas in the literature for non-overtopped mound breakwaters in non-breaking wave condit
Mound breakwaters are usually designed to limit the mean wave overtopping rate (q) or the maximum individual wave overtopping volume (Vmax). However, rarely do studies focus on wave overtopping volumes on breakwaters in depth-limited breaking wave conditions. This stud
The crest elevation of mound breakwaters is usually designed considering a tolerable mean wave overtopping discharge. However, pedestrian safety, characterized by the overtopping layer thickness (OLT) and the overtopping flow velocity (OFV), is becoming more relevant due to the r
In many countries, the health of the marine ecosystems and the sun-sand-sea tourism depend on the coral reefs, which have been retreating around the world during the last decades. Homogeneous Low-Crested Structures (HLCS), made of large rocks or pre-cast concrete units, can be pl
Mound breakwater design is evolving owing to rising sea levels caused by climate change and social concern regarding the visual impact of coastal structures. The crest freeboard of coastal structures tends to decrease while overtopping hazard increases over time. Pedestrian safet
In recent years, mound breakwater design has had to consider social concerns about the visual impact of coastal structures as well as the rise in sea levels due to climate change. Additionally, mound breakwater design must consider pedestrian safety when facing overtopping loads
A method has been developed to estimate wave overtopping discharges for a wide range of coastal structures. The prediction method is based on Neural Network modelling. For this purpose use is made of a data set obtained from a large number of physical model tests (collected withi
For design, safety assessment and rehabilitation of coastal structures reliable predictions of wave overtopping are required. Several design formulae exist for dikes, rubble mound breakwaters and vertical breakwaters. Nevertheless, often no suitable prediction methods are availab
A method has been developed to estimate wave overtopping discharges for a wide range of coastal structures. The prediction method is based on the technique of Neural Network modelling. For this purpose use is made of a data set obtained from a large number of physical model tests