I.C. Bakker

22 records found

Purpose: Studies on color preferences for different types of spaces are scarce and show ambiguous results. This paper aims to present data about preferred colors for two work environments: the office and a meeting room, and two residential spaces: the living room and the bedroom. ...
Studies on color preferences are dependent on the topic and the relationships with personal characteristics, particularly personality, but these are seldom studied in one population. Therefore a questionnaire was collected from 1095 Dutch people asking for color preferences about ...

The use of questionnaires in colour research in real-life settings

In search of validity and methodological pitfalls

This research discusses the validity of applying questionnaires in colour research in real life settings.
In the literature the conclusions concerning the influences of colours on human performance and well-being are often conflicting. This can be caused by the artificial set ...
This paper presents a discursive review of the dimensions pleasure, arousal and dominance that Mehrabian and Russell developed in 1974 to assess environmental perception, experience, and psychological responses. Since then numerous researchers applied these dimensions to assess t ...
The purpose of this research is to establish the influences of the colours red and blue on perceived well being, social cohesion and productivity in complex real life work conditions during regular meetings.
Methodology: Seven regular government teams held seven regular meeti ...
Met het ‘Programma vernieuwing Rijksdienst’ geeft het kabinet invulling aan de doelstelling om een efficiëntere Rijksdienst te realiseren. In het kader hiervan wordt de Rijkswerkplek ingevoerd; een standaard en up to date werkplek waar elke rijksambtenaar gebruik van kan maken.@e ...