Peter Knorringa

7 records found

Increasing Or Decreasing Frugality

The Connection Between Digitalisation And Frugal Innovation

Within wider debates on sustainability and digitalisation, frugal innovation (FI) scholars largely assume that digital technologies are important for FI in realising more sustainable outcomes. However, very few studies interrogate this causality. To tackle this challenge, we conn ...

Digitalization, Frugal Innovation, and Sustainable Development in the Global South

Opportunities and Challenges of a Frugal Smart Water Pump

This chapter plugs into a wider debate on digitalization and sustainable development in the Global South. Evidence on how digitalization contributes to sustainable development is limited. To address this research gap, we employ the theoretical concept of frugal innovation to iden ...
This pioneering Handbook details the origins of the concept of frugal innovation, its emergence as an academic field of interest, and the driving forces behind it. It presents new empirical evidence and critical perspectives on what frugal innovation entails, from a range of disc ...

Capturing frugal innovation

Introduction to the Handbook on Frugal Innovation

This chapter sets the scene for the Handbook on Frugal Innovation. First, it describes the origins of the concept of frugal innovation and its emergence as an academic field of interest. Then, main drivers behind frugal innovation are explored. From the scholarly discussion on fr ...

Frugal business model innovation in the Base of the Pyramid

The case of Philips Community Life Centres in Africa

This paper investigates how a multinational enterprise (MNE) engages in frugal business model innovation to find the optimal balance between value creation and value capture in resource-constrained contexts in sub-Saharan Africa. Using qualitative content analysis, we analyse the ...
The platform economy largely focuses on consumer platforms such as Uber and Airbnb, whereas business-to-business platforms receive less attention.1 This article2 discusses Apollo Agriculture, a Kenyan-Dutch agro-tech platform that aims to support small farmers (‘smallholders’) in ...

Frugal innovation and sustainability outcomes

Findings from a systematic literature review

Purpose: Advance the state-of-the-art on how frugal innovation links to sustainability outcomes and based on content analysis of empirical publications in the field of frugal innovation, analyzing when and how FI is connected with social, environmental and economic outcomes. Desi ...