André Leliveld

3 records found

Frugal innovation

Some theoretical observations from innovation-economic and social-entrepreneurial perspectives

This chapter’s aims to link frugal innovation (FI) to some theoretical notions. First, it presents a brief overview of what FI is in order to identify characteristics that can be linked to theoretical notions. Second it links the concept of FI to 1) existing theoretical notions o ...
This pioneering Handbook details the origins of the concept of frugal innovation, its emergence as an academic field of interest, and the driving forces behind it. It presents new empirical evidence and critical perspectives on what frugal innovation entails, from a range of disc ...

Capturing frugal innovation

Introduction to the Handbook on Frugal Innovation

This chapter sets the scene for the Handbook on Frugal Innovation. First, it describes the origins of the concept of frugal innovation and its emergence as an academic field of interest. Then, main drivers behind frugal innovation are explored. From the scholarly discussion on fr ...