I.G. Cieraad

75 records found

Een verhaal in spullen

Huis Sloëtjes door de ogen van antropoloog Irene Cieraad

Dit is een verhaal in spullen. Een verhaal over de dingen die zijn behoed, bewaard en behouden. Over hoe een zorgvuldig opgerold ceintuur in een lade onderdeel wordt van een liefdesverhaal, hoe de schikking van planten in een raamkozijn een taal tussen huisvrouwen vormde. Een ver ...

Tell Don't Show

The invisible plague in seventeenth-century Dutch interior paintings

Throughout most of the seventeenth century plague epidemics raged through Dutch cities and took their toll in an enormous loss of life. However, seventeenth-century paintings of domestic life do not show the sorrow or the death toll, but portray healthy, thriving mothers and chil ...

House and home

Reconsidering the anatomy of houses in Western societies

The article develops a critical and transversal reading of the special issue. Each contribution inspired the author to seek for a mirror image or an analogy in Western societies and test the mentioned Carsten and Hugh-Jones observation of the seemingly self-evident relation betwe ...
Part of the chapter: Material Culture, Infrastructures and the Built Environment@en

L’idéal du foyer autarcique

Une histoire sociale du confort, de l’intimité et de la sociabilité domestiques. L’exemple des Pays-Bas

Associé à la quête du plaisir et au luxe de la facilité et de la commodité, le confort du foyer, décrit comme l’une des réussites de la fin du xıxe siècle, est avant tout attribué au talent des tapissiers. La meilleure illustration en est certainement le fauteuil tonneau, doté d’ ...
Photo essay to photo series (pages 19-31) about French ski resorts in summer. Words Irene Cieraad, Photographs Olaf Unverzart and Sebastiaan Schels.@en

Rocking the Cradle of Dutch Domesticity

A Radical Reinterpretation of Seventeenth-century “Homescapes”

In the light of a newly discovered source of thousands of seventeenth-century Dutch letters found in the English National Archive a case is made for a radical reinterpretation of seventeenth-century Dutch paintings. These so-called “homescapes” feature in the historiography of th ...

Van dienstbode tot display

De sociale geschiedenis van wooncomfort en woontechniek

Bringing Nostalgia Home

Switzerland and the Swiss Chalet

This article presents an interpretation of nostalgia in which it is traced back to its original meaning as an emotion concerned not with time, but with place, the Alpine mountains of Switzerland, which in the early nineteenth century became associated with notions of the medieval ...
Home is one of the core concepts of Western culture. The concept of home defies easy definitions because it also holds a strong personal meaning, which changes through the course of a lifetime. In general, it refers to a personal bonding with a place and an emotional attachment t ...
Domestic space in the singular has become a generic term for the private space of the house, the household, or the home as opposed to the public space of the street or the urban space of the city as a whole. Yet, the domestic space concept has only a short scholarly history, espe ...


Tra ricordi e proiezioni nel futuro

This concerns the preface by I.G. Cieraad for the Iranian (Farsi) translation of the book.@en
Met de opkomst van de amateurfotografie in de twintigste eeuw werd de woonkamer het nieuwe decor van familieportretten. Hoewel onervarenheid van de fotografen nogal eens tot kwalitatief ondermaatse kiekjes leidde, hebben de foto's, zo laat cultureel antropoloog Irene Cieraad zien ...