Ruben Roes

4 records found

BIM Legal

Implementation of a standard for Cadastral Registration of Apartment Complexes in 3D

The potential of Building Information Models (BIM) to establish rights and responsibilities for multi-level building complexes in cadastral registrations has been explored in many previous researches. However, the implementation of BIM-based cadastral registrations in practice re ...
This article reports on the first 3D cadastral registration in The Netherlands, accomplished in March 2016. The solution was sought within the current cadastral, organisational, and technical frameworks to obtain a deeper knowledge on the optimal way of implementing 3D registrati ...
This paper reports on the first 3D cadastral registration of multi-level ownerships rights in the Netherlands, which was accomplished in March 2016. It is the result of a study that was undertaken from 2013 to 2015 to determine how insight about multi-level ownership can be provi ...
Na jaren van onderzoek doen en experimenteren, heeft de bewaarder van het Kadaster in maart 2016 de eerste 3D-representatie van rechten ingeschreven in de openbare registers en dit vermeld in de basisregistratie kadaster. In dit project heeft het Kadaster vanuit zowel de juridisc ...