Mehdi Ahmadi Najafabadi

14 records found

Investigation of energy absorption capacity of 3D filament wound composite tubes

Experimental evaluation, numerical simulation, and acoustic emission monitoring

By analyzing the failure mechanisms, crashworthiness characteristics of FW composite tubes subjected to two modes of progressive damage and catastrophic failure are investigated using acoustic emission technique and numerical method. The AE signals of ±45° composite tubes were cl ...
This study investigates the mechanical behavior and damage mechanisms of thin-walled glass/epoxy filament wound tubes under quasi-static lateral loads. The novelty is that the tubes are reinforced in critical areas using strip composite patches to provide a topology-optimized tub ...
Composite structures in transportation industries have gained significant attention due to their unique characteristics, including high energy absorption. Non-destructive testing methods coupled with machine learning techniques offer valuable insights into failure mechanisms by a ...
The aim of this research is to investigate the failure mechanisms of the filament-wound composite tubes under axial compressional loading by using an acoustic emission approach. First, the mechanical properties of ±45°C composite tubes were obtained experimentally. Then, failure ...
The focus of this study is to investigate the mechanical properties, of ±35° and ±55° filament wound (FW) composite tubes under axial compression loading using the acoustic emission technique. For this purpose, material failure, crashworthiness characteristics, and the effect of ...
The present study is focused on the characterization of the fatigue damage features in carbon/epoxy laminates under mode-II loading conditions. To this aim, a sinusoidal cyclic load was applied to the End-Notched Flexural (ENF) specimens and the fatigue behavior of specimens was ...
Interleaving composite laminates with nanofibrous mat is one of the most reliable methods for increasing interlaminar fracture toughness. The present study seeks to find out how the damage mechanisms of carbon fiber reinforced polymers (CFRPs), subjected to the mode-I and mode-II ...
The advantages of applying electrospun nylon 6,6 as a toughening agent in epoxy-based composite laminates have been considered already under quasi-static mode-I and mode-II fracture loads. In the present study, the fatigue behavior of unidirectional carbon/epoxy laminates interle ...
This research focused on fracture and fatigue response of carbon/epoxy laminates modified with electrospun nylon 66 nanofibers. For this purpose, AS4/8552 composite laminates interleaved by nanofibrous mat were considered under mode-I quasi-static and fatigue loading conditions. ...
The aim of this study is to investigate the failure of cracked aluminum plates repaired by one-side composite patches under fatigue loading using Acoustic Emission (AE) and fractography images. Rectangular specimens made of 6061 aluminum alloy with central through thickness pre-c ...
This study focuses on the clustering of the indentation-induced interlaminar and intralaminar damages in carbon/epoxy laminated composites using Acoustic Emission (AE) technique. Two quasi-isotropic specimens with layups of [60/0/-60]4S (is named dispersed specimen) and [604/04/- ...
This study introduces a comprehensive set of designed and tested glass/epoxy composites, AE monitoring and signal processing techniques; (i) to investigate the effect of multiple delaminations on buckling and post-buckling behaviors of laminated composites and (ii) to evaluate Ac ...
The aim of this study was to investigate the applicability of acoustic emission (AE) technique to evaluate delamination crack in glass/epoxy composite laminates under quasi-static and fatigue loading. To this aim, double cantilever beam specimens were subjected to mode I quasi-st ...
Despite the key advantages of Fiber Reinforced Polymer (FRP) composites, they are susceptible to Barely Visible Impact Damage (BVID) under transverse loadings. This study investigates BVID in two quasi-isotropic carbon/epoxy laminates under quasi-static indentation and Low-Veloci ...