24 records found
Flexibility in planning and the consequences for public-value capturing in UK, Spain and the Netherlands
Flexibiliteit planvorming beïnvloedt tegenprestaties markt
De la Política de VS en los Países Bajos
Financing of public infrastructure and public value capturing in England, Valencia and the Netherlands
Kostenverevening en baatafroming in Engeland, Valencia en Nederland
Labor docente de JGB: el método científico y la ética en el Urbanismo
Expanding cities. A grounded conceptual model that allows comparing systems of greenfield land development
Legally binding land use rules throughout Western Europe
Plan-led versus development-led planning systems in Europe
The methodological challenges of a case-based research (on urban planning issues)
Lessons from Valencia: Seperating infrastructure provision from land ownership
Algunos aspectos relevantes des rescate de plusvalías en el Urbanismo: el caso de los Países Bajos
Het Valenciaanse model voor locatieontwikkeling
Spaanse gebiedsontwikkeling
Vitaminas Valencianas para el Urbanismo holandés
Possibilities to use land use plans in a strategic way
Strategischer gebruik van bestemmingsplan in stadsvernieuwing
Lessons from Valencia: separating the development right, not the building right, from landownership