R Lamparelli

5 records found

Multi-temporal and multi-sensor solutions are essential to increase timeliness and reliability of land monitoring systems. This paper advocates the exploitation of the temporal contextual information provided by temporally dense SAR and optical data series series through the use ...
The paper debates a novel approach for land cover (LC) mapping based on the Hidden Markov Model. The proposed methodology is aimed to address both the urgent demand of off-line (or historic) LC information retrieval and of near-real time LC monitoring. The discrete-time model emp ...
Land cover reference data containing original point layer, relocated point layer to the fields and field polygons. Information includes date of acquisition, geolocation, photograph web address, crop type, phenological stage, crop height, additional notes of field. The objective w ...
Intensive measurements of sugarcane taken at four fields close to Capivari, São Paulo state, Brazil, from October 2014 to October 2015. The objective was to collect data for training and validating optical and radar remote sensing-based sugarcane growth models. The measurements i ...