Pooja Chaubdar

4 records found

The phenomenon of pressure drop and the heat transfer for single-phase microelectronic pin fin heat sinks has been analyzed numerically for many varying pin fin shapes. The present study is based on cooling the pin fins by forced air convection using ANSYS Fluent software. The pr ...
A numerical study has been carried out on the two-dimensional flow past a circular cylinder. In this case, a splitter plate is provided at the rear stagnation point in the downstream direction. ansys fluent has been used to carry out the numerical simulations based on finite volu ...
Rayleigh Taylor instability has been investigated numerically and experimentally by many researchers for more than a century for studying various properties. The unstable interface between the two fluids of varying density with the fluid of higher density being superposed over th ...
Finite volume method for solving the Navier stokes equation is employed for studying 2D incompressible flow around an array of three cylinders placed in a staggered arrangement at two Reynolds numbers 100 and 200. Numerical simulations have been performed for the configurations h ...