Low Reynolds Number Flow Past Array of Staggered Cylinders
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Finite volume method for solving the Navier stokes equation is employed for studying 2D incompressible flow around an array of three cylinders placed in a staggered arrangement at two Reynolds numbers 100 and 200. Numerical simulations have been performed for the configurations having three cylinders of equal diameter for varying the longitudinal and transverse gaps. The transverse gap is varied in the first case (T = 0.75D, 1.5D, and 3D) to study the effects on the wake of the cylinders. The second analysis has been performed for the configurations having three cylinders of unequal diameters (D = 0.5D and 1.5D) by varying the diameter of the cylinders in staggered arrangement. The coefficient of forces has been analyzed for this configuration and compared with the results of the simulation of isolated cylinder. The authors have tried to understand the flow behavior in the simulation from the vorticity contours and the streamlines. The complex flow pattern due to mutual interaction between the wakes of the cylinders has been studied based on the varying transverse and the longitudinal distance.