Ricardo Sanz
34 records found
Autonomous systems are expected to maintain a dependable operation without human intervention. They are intended to fulfill the mission for which they were deployed, properly handling the disturbances that may affect them. Underwater robots, such as the UX-1 mine explorer develop
Known attempts to build autonomous robots rely on complex control architectures, often implemented with the Robot Operating System platform (ROS). The implementation of adaptable architectures is very often ad hoc, quickly gets cumbersome and expensive. Reusable solutions that su
Robot control software endows robots with advanced capabilities for autonomous operation, such as navigation, object recognition or manipulation, in unstructured and dynamic environments. However, there is a steady need for more robust operation, where robots should perform compl
Nowadays we find ourselves in what is called the fourth industrial revolution: Industry 4.0. This revolution is being fostered in many countries to get a more competitive industry. Industry 4.0 target is to make more efficient and flexible plants, reduce times and costs of proces
Cognitive systems are starting to be deployed as appliances across the technological landscape of modern societies. The increasing availability of high performance computing platforms has opened an opportunity for statistics-based cognitive systems that perform quite as humans in
Our research focuses on engineering processes for autonomous intelligent systems construction with a life-cycle holistic view, by means of a model-based framework. The conceptual core of the framework is ontologically-driven. Our ontological approach consists of two elements. The
The motivation of this work is the constant evolution in the industry. Nowadays we are in what is called the fourth industrial revolution. This revolution is being fostered in many countries to get a more competitive industry. Industry 4.0 target is to make more efficient and fle
There is an increasing demand for more autonomous systems. Enhancing systems with self-aware and self- adaptation capabilities can provide a solution to meet resilience needs. This article proposes a general design solution to build autonomous systems capable of run-time reconfig
Construction of robotic controllers has been usually done by the instantiation of specific architectural designs. The ASys design strategy described in this work addresses the synthesis of custom robot architectures by means of a requirements-driven application of universal desig
An important part of human intelligence is the ability to use language. Humans learn how to use language in a society of language users, which is probably the most effective way to learn a language from the ground up. Principles that might allow an artificial agents to learn lang
Four principal features of autonomous control systems are left both unaddressed and unaddressable by present-day engineering methodologies: (1) The ability to operate effectively in environments that are only partially known at design time; (2) A level of generality that allows a
Ontologies provide a common conceptualisation that can be shared by all stakeholders in an engineering development process. They provide a good means to analyse the domain, allowing to separate descriptive from problem-solving knowledge. Our research programme on autonomous syste
Phenomenal states are generally considered the ultimate sources of intrinsic motivation for autonomous biological agents. In this article, we will address the issue of the necessity of exploiting these states for the design and implementation of robust goal-directed artificial sy
Engineering an ontology for autonomous systems
The OASys ontology
This paper describes the development of an ontology for autonomous systems, as the initial stage of a research programme on autonomous systems' engineering within a model-based control approach. The ontology aims at providing a unified conceptual framework for the autonomous syst
Phenomenological states are generally considered sources of intrinsic motivation for autonomous biological agents. In this paper we will address the issue of exploiting these states for robust goal-directed systems. We will provide an analysis of consciousness in terms of a preci
The construction of fully effective systems seems to pass through the proper exploitation of goal-centric self-evaluative capabilities that let the system teleologically self-manage. Emotions seem to provide this kind of functionality to biological systems and hence the interest