In the construction of subsoil structures, a common challenge is the presence of a high groundwater level in combination with the absence of a naturally impermeable layer or an environment susceptible to settlements due to lowering the groundwater level. To overcome this issue, a
In the construction of subsoil structures, a common challenge is the presence of a high groundwater level in combination with the absence of a naturally impermeable layer or an environment susceptible to settlements due to lowering the groundwater level. To overcome this issue, a building pit with an underwater concrete floor (UCF) can be constructed. The UCF ensures structural rigidity and allows for the building pit to be drained such that a dry and safe subsoil construction site is obtained.
The objective of this thesis is to investigate how design efficiency of underwater concrete floors can be improved. In an effort to reduce material usage and achieve cost-effective structures, the following research question was stated:
“What is the influence of design parameters and how can parameters be adjusted to improve design efficiency of an underwater concrete floor, and to what extent can the addition of fibre reinforcement contribute to this optimization?”
A parametric model was developed to provide insight to the sensitivity of parameters and their impact on design resistance. Furthermore, the model was utilized to examine under what circumstances potential material savings can be obtained by implementing fibre reinforced concrete in UCF’s. This was accomplished through the evaluation and comparison of the minimum required thickness based on bending moment resistance in various scenarios, for both UCF’s and steel fibre reinforced UCF’s (SFUCF).
Results obtained with the parametric model established that, in order to enhance the bending moment resistance of an uncracked UCF, increasing the nominal thickness becomes relatively more effective compared to increasing the concrete strength class for higher normal forces. When utilizing a compression arch to obtain bending moment resistance, the implementation of ribbed tensile elements or an increase in nominal thickness are found to be the most suitable methods for increasing resistance. For enhanced shear force resistance, increasing the nominal thickness over the concrete class provides relatively more additional resistance for slender UCF’s. The results found that through the application of ribbed piles, most punching shear force resistance can be obtained.
Three use cases for a SFUCF were identified using the parametric model. When centre to centre (c.t.c.) distances larger than 4.4m are applied in combination with a substantial normal force, significant material savings of up to 0.3m thickness are possible, which equates to a reduction of material usage by 30%. For situations where the effective height of the compression arch is small, it was also found that material usage could be reduced by 30%. Perhaps the most significant use case for a SFUCF is when the normal force is close to zero, and additional normal force cannot be obtained through membrane action. In these situations, the application of a SFUCF can make an otherwise near impossible project feasible.
As a new design approach, a cost-based optimization tool was developed using the parametric model. An already executed UCF was evaluated using the tool, it was determined that a more cost-effective design could have been achieved, with potential savings of up to 30% in costs.