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G Allan
Academic Work (3)
Journal article (3)
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3 records found
A phonon scattering bottleneck for carrier cooling in lead chalcogenide nanocrystals
Journal article (2015) -
P.A. Geiregat (author)
Pieter Geiregat (author)
C Delerue (author)
Y Justo (author)
M. Aerts (author)
Frank C.M. Spoor (author)
F.C.M. Spoor (author)
Frank C M Spoor (author)
D van Thourhout (author)
LDA Siebbeles (author)
L.D.A. Siebbeles (author)
Laurens Siebbeles (author)
Laurens D A Siebbeles (author)
Laurens D.A. Siebbeles (author)
L. D.A. Siebbeles (author)
G Allan (author)
AJ Houtepen (author)
Z Hens (author)
Electronic structure of atomically coherent square semiconductor superlattices with dimensionality below two
Journal article (2013) -
E Kalesaki (author)
Wiel H. Evers (author)
Wiel H. Evers (author)
W. H. Evers (author)
W. H. Evers (author)
W.H. Evers (author)
W.H. Evers (author)
Wiel Evers (author)
Wiel Evers (author)
G Allan (author)
D Vanmaekelbergh (author)
C Delerue (author)
Optical investigation of quantum confinement in PbSe nanocrystals at different points in the brillouin zone
Journal article (2008) -
R Koole (author)
G Allan (author)
Ch Delerue (author)
A. Meijerink (author)
D Vanmaekelbergh (author)
A. J. Houtepen (author)
Arjan J. Houtepen (author)
Arjan Houtepen (author)
A.J. Houtepen (author)