10 records found
Reynolds stress and pdf modeling of two-way coupling an vaporisation interaction in a turbulent spray flame
Application of the transported PDF method in pulverized coal combustion
PDF modelling and particle-turbulence interaction of turbulent spray flames
Evaluation of a modified Reynolds stress model for turbulent dispersed two-phase flows including two-way coupling
Numerical simulation of turbulent spray flames using hybrid Monte Carlo / finite volume methods
Numerical modeling of spray evaporation
Computational methods for turbulent spray combustion in single drop and droplet cluster regimes
Application of micromixing models in the transported scalar PDF and velocity-scalar PDF approaches to 'Delft Flame III'
Application of micromixing models in the transported scalar pdf and velocity-scalar pdf approaches to 'Delft flame III'
Error Estimation for the Least Squares Spectral Element Method (AIAA-2003-3851)