Christoph R. Müller

4 records found

The direct synthesis of methanol via the hydrogenation of CO2, if performed efficiently and selectively, is potentially a powerful technology for CO2 mitigation. Here, we develop an active and selective Cu-Zn/SiO2 catalyst for the hydrogenation of ...
Three γ/β-Ga2O3 nanoparticle catalysts that differ in the relative ratio of γ-Ga2O3 to β-Ga2O3 were prepared to evaluate the effect of H2 treatment (500 °C, 2 h) on the coordination environment of bulk a ...

Propane Dehydrogenation on Ga2O3-Based Catalysts

Contrasting Performance with Coordination Environment and Acidity of Surface Sites

α-Ga2O3, β-Ga2O3, and I -Ga2O3 as well as the silica-supported catalysts I -Ga2O3/SiO2, β-Ga2O3/SiO2, and Ga(NO3)3-derived Ga/SiO2 were prepared, characterized, and evaluated for propane dehydrogenation (PDH) at 550 °C. The coordination environment and acidity of surface sites in ...
Biosynthesis of sterols, which are key constituents of canonical eukaryotic membranes, requiresmolecular oxygen. Anaerobic protists and deep-branching anaerobic fungi are the only eukaryotes in which a mechanism for sterol-independent growth has been elucidated. In these organism ...