J.L.T.M. Dezentje

6 records found

Radionuclides are often used in the field of nuclear medicine. For some deceases the use of radionuclides is the best possible care, or even the only means of diagnosis or treatment. For these medical applications high specific activity (high activity per unit of mass) is require ...
Atomic layer deposition (ALD) is a versatile gas phase coating technique that allows coating of complex structured materials, as well as high-surface area materials such as nanoparticles. In this work, ALD is used to deposit a lutetium oxide layer on TiO2 nanoparticles ...
Cu is an important trace metal which plays a role in many biological processes. The radioisotope 64Cu is often used to study such processes. Furthermore, 64Cu finds applications in cancer diagnostics as well as therapy. For all of these applications 64< ...