37 records found
Key building blocks for millimeter-wave IC design in baseline CMOS
Receiver front-end circuits for future generations of wireless communications
Low-power deep sub-micron CMOS logic; sub-threshold current reduction
Dynamic behavior of dynamic translinear circuits: the linear time-varying approximation
Structured electronic design
A generalized class of dynamic translinear circuits
Spike-time/frequency correlation based learning for unsupervised neural lattice structures
A design philosophy for nanoelectronic single electron tunneling systems
From nanotechnology to nanoelectronic systems, from SETs to neural sets
Ultra-low standby-currents for deep sub-micron VLSI CMOS circuits: smart series switch
Design philosophy for single electron tunnelling devices: from SETs to neural nets. Technical report in: MEL-ARI project 28.667, Autonomous nanoelectronic systems with extended replication and signalling. 2nd Annual report, technical reports
Dynamic translinear circuits - an overview
A 10.7MHz CMOS SC radio IF filter with variable gain and a Q of 55
Antenna impedance calculation using current source excitation, applied to EMC problems
Design philosophy for nanoelectronic systems, from SETs to neural nets
A 10.7-MHz CMOS SC radio IF filter using orthogonal hardware modulation
Considerations about nanoelectronic GSI processors
Schakelingen met geschakelde capaciteiten en stromen (G0600)