Ludger Niemann
4 records found
Since 1994, Colombian mayors have been legally held accountable for election promises and goal achievement in office; non-compliance or underperformance may trigger recalls. In several Latin American countries, civil-society coalitions striving for urban sustainability have succe
Monitoreo local de la sostenibilidad
Iniciativas y aportes de la sociedad civil en ciudades latinoamericanas
La “batalla mundial por la sostenibilidad se ganará o se perderá en las ciudades”, proclamaron las Naciones Unidas (United Nations, 2012). Según esta metáfora, América Latina es un importante campo de batalla. Es la región más urbanizada del mundo y alrededor del 80% de la poblac
A growing number of city governments worldwide engage in sustainability reporting, voluntarily and responding to legal pressures. Diverse practices emerged based on unique choices concerning formats, periodicity, authorship and dissemination efforts. Such design questions and ass
On the Benefits of Using Process Indicators in Local Sustainability Monitoring
Lessons from a Dutch municipal ranking (1999-2014)
The sustainability performance of cities is subject to an ever-growing number of monitoring tools. While most initiatives work with outcome indicators that are generally associated with limited direct policy relevance, a minority of tools focuses on sustainability-related process