21 records found


Plastic pollution in the sea is an environmental hazard, negatively impacts marine life, and causes economic damage all over the world. It is estimated that each year 8 million tonnes of plastic are deposited in seas, the vast majority coming from rivers. In recent years, publ ...

Detailed shadows in large-scale environments are challenging. Our approach enables efficient detailed shadow computations for static environments at a low memory cost. It builds upon compressed precomputed multiresolution hierarchies but uses a directed acyclic graph to encode it ...

Texture Browser

Feature-based Texture Exploration

Texture is a key characteristic in the definition of the physical appearance of an object and a crucial element in the creation process of 3D artists. However, retrieving a texture that matches an intended look from an image collection is difficult. Contrary to most photo coll ...

Ambient occlusion (AO) is a popular rendering technique that enhances depth perception and realism by darkening locations that are less exposed to ambient light (e.g., corners and creases). In real-time applications, screen-space variants, relying on the depth buffer, are used du ...
Sparse Voxel Directed Acyclic Graphs (SVDAGs) losslessly compress highly detailed geometry in a highresolution binary voxel grid by identifying matching elements. This representation is suitable for highperformance real-time applications, such as free-viewpoint videos and high-re ...
Over the years, technological improvement has led to the ability to acquire, create and store vast amounts of geometrical and appearance data to use in graphical applications. Nevertheless, efficiently creating images when using such large amounts of data remains an ongoing topic ...

We introduce the Reduced Immersed Method (RIM) for the real-time simulation of two-way coupled incompressible fluids and elastic solids and the interaction of multiple deformables with (self-)collisions. Our framework is based on a novel discretization of the immersed boundary ...

Shadow volumes are a popular technique to compute pixel-accurate hard shadows in 3D scenes. Many variants exist that trade off accuracy and efficiency. In this work, we present an artifact-free, efficient, and easy-to-implement stencil shadow volume method. We compare our method ...
Far-field diffraction can be evaluated using the Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) in image space but it is costly due to its dense sampling. We propose a technique based on a closed-form solution of the continuous Fourier transform for simple vector primitives (quads) and propose ...

We introduce a variational approach for modeling n-symmetry vector and direction fields on surfaces that supports interpolation and alignment constraints, placing singularities and local editing, while providing real-time responses. The approach is based on novel biharmonic an ...

Voxel DAGs and Multiresolution Hierarchies

From Large-Scale Scenes to Pre-computed Shadows

In this tutorial, we discuss voxel DAGs and multiresolution hierarchies, which are representations that can encode large volumes of data very efficiently. Despite a significant compression ration, an advantage of these structures is that their content can be efficiently accessed ...

Stereoscopic 3D technology gives visual content creators a new dimension of design when creating images and movies. While useful for conveying emotion, laying emphasis on certain parts of the scene, or guiding the viewer's attention, editing stereo content is a challenging tas ...

We propose a framework for the spectral processing of tangential vector fields on surfaces. The basis is a Fourier-type representation of tangential vector fields that associates frequencies with tangential vector fields. To implement the representation for piecewise constant tan ...
Multiresolution Hierarchies (MH) and Directed Acyclic Graphs (DAG) are two recent approaches for the compression of high-resolution shadow information. In this paper, we introduce Merged Multiresolution Hierarchies (MMH), a novel data structure that unifies both concepts. An MMH ...
Photorealistic modeling and rendering of materials with complex internal mesostructure is a hard challenge in Computer Graphics. In particular, macroscopic porous materials consist of complex translucent substances that exhibit different details and light interaction at several d ...
The quality of shadow mapping is traditionally limited by texture resolution. We present a novel lossless compression scheme for high-resolution shadow maps based on precomputed multiresolution hierarchies. Traditional multiresolution trees can compactly represent homogeneous reg ...
We accelerate volumetric obscurance, a variant of ambient occlusion, and solve undersampling artifacts, such as banding, noise or blurring, that screen-space techniques traditionally suffer from. We make use of an efficient statistical model to evaluate the occlusion factor in sc ...


The human visual system perceives 3D depth by observing how much points shift between the left eye and right eye. Toon-shaded renders of 3D models often have untextured surfaces with discretized shading, and these flat featureless areas give the eyes few reference points to perce ...
Ambient occlusion is a popular rendering technique that creates a greater sense of depth and realism, by darkening places in the scene that are less exposed to ambient light (e.g., corners and creases). Ambient occlusion measures how geometrically occluded each point in the scene ...
In recent years, there has been a widespread increase in the adoption of virtual reality and 3d displays which require many images as input, e.g. head mounted displays or lightfield displays. Real-time rendered imagery for such displays is commonly computed using brute-force rend ...