This report is the result of a master thesis project that finalizes 2 years of Strategic Product Design master program at the Industrial Design Engineering faculty. The project is about designing a data-informed clinical care process for Transcatheter Aortic Valve Implantation (T
This report is the result of a master thesis project that finalizes 2 years of Strategic Product Design master program at the Industrial Design Engineering faculty. The project is about designing a data-informed clinical care process for Transcatheter Aortic Valve Implantation (TAVI) patient. Transcatheter Aortic Valve Implantation (TAVI) is a treatment that aims to reduce symptoms of Aortic Valve Stenosis (AOS). Most TAVI patients are in the above-75 population. The project brief is to improve TAVI patient's experience using sensor data.
To understand the context of TAVI care pathway, a literature review and stakeholders interviews were done, resulting in a comprehensive understanding of the care pathway. The opportunity to improve the period after TAVI was addressed. To understand the underlying problem among patients in the post-TAVI period, text analysis from the literature was done, followed by coding, categorizing and framework creation. The framework was iterated in a series of 5 co-reflection sessions with the stakeholders. The result is that TAVI patients are managing confrontations throughout the care pathway, which prevent/ limit them from doing enough physical activity. The proposed vision is a continuous and collaborative goal setting system using sensor data. A concept ideation was done, followed by concept testing sessions that resulted in the list of concept requirements. The final proposed product-service system concept is called LIVEsense, a continuous and collaborative goal setting system using sensor data and voice-based conversational agent. LIVEsense consists of three main steps: baseline collection, collaborative goal setting and monitored goal pursuit. Patient wears the sensor and interacting with the voice assistant during the monitored goal pursuit. The sensor collects and compares patient's heart rate and activity data. The proposed product-service system was validated in a co-reflection session with stakeholders. LIVEsense satisfied all elements of the Quadruple Aim (Bodenheimer & Sinksky, 2014) and it brings most value for the period right after TAVI. Other elements that needs to be further explored are the implementation of LIVEsense in the care pathway that consists of multiple organizations.