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R Coulter
Academic Work (12)
Journal article (6)
Report (4)
Web publication (2)
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12 records found
Re-thinking residential mobility: Linking lives through time and space
Journal article (2015) -
R Coulter (author)
M. Ham (author)
AM Findlay (author)
Spatial mobility and social outcomes
Journal article (2014) -
WAV Clark (author)
Maarten van van Ham (author)
R Coulter (author)
Intergenerational transmission of neighbourhood poverty: an analysis of neighbourhood histories of individuals
Journal article (2014) -
Maarten Van van Ham (author)
Lina Hedman (author)
David J. Manley (author)
R Coulter (author)
J Östh (author)
New directions for residential mobility research: Linking lives through time and space
Web publication (2013) -
R Coulter (author)
M. Ham (author)
A Findlay (author)
Following people through time: an analysis of individual residential mobility biographies
Journal article (2013) -
R Coulter (author)
M van Ham (author)
Partner (dis)agreement on moving desires and the subsequent moving behaviour of couples
Journal article (2012) -
R Coulter (author)
M. Ham (author)
P Feijten (author)
Intergenerational transmission of neighbourhood poverty in Sweden: An in-novative analysis of individual neigh-bourhood histories
Report (2012) -
Maarten Van van Ham (author)
L.K. Hedman (author)
David J. Manley (author)
R Coulter (author)
J Osth (author)
Intergenerational transmission of neighbourhood poverty in Sweden. An innovative analysis of individual neighbourhood histories
Web publication (2012) -
Maarten van Van Ham (author)
L Hedman (author)
D.J. Manley (author)
R Coulter (author)
J Östh (author)
Contextualised mobility histories of moving desires and actual moving behaviour
Report (2011) -
R Coulter (author)
M van Ham (author)
Partner (dis)agreement on moving desires and the subsequent moving behaviour of couples
Report (2011) -
R Coulter (author)
M. Ham (author)
P Feijten (author)
A longitudinal analysis of moving desires, expectations and actual moving behaviour
Journal article (2011) -
R Coulter (author)
M. Ham (author)
P Feijten (author)
Socio-spatial mobility in British society
Report (2011) -
WAV Clark (author)
Maarten van van Ham (author)
R Coulter (author)