P. Buckle

8 records found


Systems mapping workshops have been applied to the problem of medication errors in healthcare. The workshops were designed using experiential group work principles. They involved a range of stakeholders from within the health service as well as those who supply the health sector, ...

In the light of a number of serious incidents in the UK resulting from accidental overdoses of methotrexate, this study investigated how the design of methotrexate packaging can influence patient safety, and aimed to collect evidence to provide a basis for the development of n ...

The complexity of the health care environments necessitates an holistic and systematic ergonomics approach to understand the potential for accidents and errors to occur. The health service is also a socio-technical system, and design needs must be met within this context. This pa ...

Despite advances in engineering knowledge and technology the everyday experience of the engineered world provides, all too often, evidence of failure as well as success. For example, as a literate and healthy human is it unreasonable to expect: • to be readily able to set the ...

The Design for Patient Safety Study showed that the National Health Service (NHS) is seriously out of step with modern thinking and practice with regard to design. The study emphasises the need to move to a user-centred systems approach to designing in healthcare, without which p ...

Solid oral Methotrexate (Methotrexate in tablet form) has been used for many years as an effective measure to treat severe rheumatoid arthritis and severe psoriasis. When taken at the right frequency and dose Methotrexate is a safe medication. However, in the community in the ...

Designing for patient safety

A review of the effectiveness of design in the UK health service

The Department of Health and the Design Council jointly commissioned a scoping study to deliver ideas and practical recommendations for a design approach to reduce the risk of medical error and improve patient safety across the NHS. The research was undertaken by the Engineering ...

Design for patient safety

A review of the effectiveness of design in the UK health service

In 2002 the UK Department of Health and the Design Council jointly commissioned a scoping study to deliver ideas and practical recommendations for a design approach to reduce the risk of medical error and improve patient safety across the National Health Service (NHS). The res ...