James Ward

38 records found


Inclusive design has unique challenges because it aims to improve usability for a wide range of users. This typically includes people with lower levels of ability, as well as mainstream users. This paper examines the effectiveness of two methods that are used in inclusive design: ...
As part of the investigations into a surgical incident involving the accidental retention inside a patient's venous system of a guide wire for central venous catheterisation (CVC), the Human Error Assessment and Reduction Technique (HEART) was used to examine the potential for fu ...

Safe design of medical equipment

Employing usability heuristics to examine the issue of guidewire retention after surgery

Background: Central Venous Catheterisation (CVC) is a medical procedure that has been linked with cases of retained guidewires in a patient after surgery. Whilst this is theoretically a completely avoidable complication, a guidewire of up to 60cm being retained in a patient's ...

Getting to zero

Evidence-based healthcare risk management is key.

In this article we call for a new approach to patient safety improvement, one based on the emerging field of evidence-based healthcare risk management (EBHRM). We explore EBHRM in the broader context of the evidence-based healthcare movement, assess the benefits and challenges ...

Successful risk assessment may not always lead to successful risk control

A systematic literature review of risk control after root cause analysis.

Root cause analysis is perhaps the most widely used tool in healthcare risk management, but does it actually lead to successful risk control? Are there categories of risk control that are more likely to be effective? And do healthcare risk managers have the tools they need to ...

Beyond FMEA

The structured what-if technique (SWIFT).

Although it is probably the best-known prospective hazard analysis (PHA) tool, failure mode and effects analysis (FMEA) is far from the only option available. This article introduces one of the alternatives: The structured what-if technique (SWIFT). SWIFT is a flexible, high-l ...

Most risk management activity in the healthcare sector is retrospective, based on learning from experience. This is feasible where the risks are routine, but emergency operations plans (EOP) guide the response to events that are both high risk and rare. Under these circumstanc ...

Background: Health advisory bodies have suggested that external disciplines such as engineering and design, with their creative, structured approaches to user-focused problem solving, may contribute useful tools and techniques to healthcare service designers. However if external ...

Systems modelling approaches to the design of safe healthcare delivery

Ease of use and usefulness perceived by healthcare workers

The UK health service, which had been diagnosed to be seriously out of step with good design practice, has been recommended to obtain knowledge of design and risk management practice from other safety-critical industries. While these other industries have benefited from a broa ...

In the light of a number of serious incidents in the UK resulting from accidental overdoses of methotrexate, this study investigated how the design of methotrexate packaging can influence patient safety, and aimed to collect evidence to provide a basis for the development of n ...

Systems mapping workshops have been applied to the problem of medication errors in healthcare. The workshops were designed using experiential group work principles. They involved a range of stakeholders from within the health service as well as those who supply the health sector, ...

Objective. The role of process modelling has been widely recognized for effective quality improvement. However, application in health care is somewhat limited since the health care community lacks knowledge about a broad range of methods and their applicability to health care. ...

The complexity of the health care environments necessitates an holistic and systematic ergonomics approach to understand the potential for accidents and errors to occur. The health service is also a socio-technical system, and design needs must be met within this context. This pa ...
The Design for Patient Safety Study showed that the National Health Service (NHS) is seriously out of step with modern thinking and practice with regard to design. The study emphasises the need to move to a user-centred systems approach to designing in healthcare, without which p ...

Designing for patient safety

A review of the effectiveness of design in the UK health service

The Department of Health and the Design Council jointly commissioned a scoping study to deliver ideas and practical recommendations for a design approach to reduce the risk of medical error and improve patient safety across the NHS. The research was undertaken by the Engineering ...

Solid oral Methotrexate (Methotrexate in tablet form) has been used for many years as an effective measure to treat severe rheumatoid arthritis and severe psoriasis. When taken at the right frequency and dose Methotrexate is a safe medication. However, in the community in the ...

An analysis of medical device-related errors

Prevalence and possible solutions

The UK and USA are currently undergoing a period of considerable change in their attitude towards medical error and their understanding of its causes and magnitude. In both countries, with increasing rapidity, a disturbing situation is being revealed. This paper presents the r ...

Design for patient safety

A review of the effectiveness of design in the UK health service

In 2002 the UK Department of Health and the Design Council jointly commissioned a scoping study to deliver ideas and practical recommendations for a design approach to reduce the risk of medical error and improve patient safety across the National Health Service (NHS). The res ...

There are many examples from the medical device design industry where poor requirements capture practice has led to post-market problems, including patient morbidity and mortality. There is a clear need to improve this process. The purpose of this paper is to present the resul ...