Paul Doherty
25 records found
Over the past 5 years, a substantial research effort aimed at optimising the design of offshore wind turbines has led to significant reductions in the projected cost of developing offshore wind. Optimising the geotechnical design of these structures, through modern analysis techn
Offshore pile driving is a high-risk activity as delays can be financially punitive. Experience of pile driving for offshore jacket structures where pile diameters are typically < 2 m has led to the development of empirical pile driveability models with proven predictive capab
In recent times, interest in dynamically installed foundation systems for deep-sea construction has increased; however, these foundation systems are still under development and need quantification of various soil parameters with different perspectives. For the design of dynamical
Lateral loading is often the governing design criteria for piles supporting offshorewind turbines and with the recent growth of this sector, the reliability of traditional design approaches is receiving renewed interest. To accurately abeb the behavior of a laterally loaded pile
This paper presents the results of field tests performed to investigate the field behaviour of winged-monopile foundations. The principle of the winged monopile is that steel plates are attached to a standard monopile (in the area near the ground or seabed surface) to increase th
Offshore wind developments are moving towards deep water where the energy is abundant and visual and sound interference is minimised. However, construction in deep water poses several challenges to developers, among which are the high cost of operation and material transport. The
Rapid expansion of the offshore wind industry has stimulated a renewed interest in the behaviour of offshore piles. There is widespread acceptance in practice that pile design methods developed for the offshore oil and gas industry may not be appropriate for designing wind turbin
In recent years, fibre Bragg grating (FBG) sensors have emerged as a relatively new strain sensing technology for civil engineering applications. This paper presents a field trial to assess the feasibility of using FBG sensor arrays to measure strain in driven steel piles. Two FB
There is currently a significant focus on developing offshore wind power in the UK and Europe. The most common foundation type for wind turbines is a single large diameter pile, termed a monopile, on which the turbine is located. As the diameter of such piles is envisaged to incr
Offshore wind turbines are typically founded on single large diameter piles, termed monopiles. Pile diameters of between 5mand 6mare routinely used, with diameters of up to 10 m, or more, being considered for future designs. There are concerns that current design approaches, such
Offshore wind power in the UK, and around Europe, has the potential to deliver significant quantities of renewable energy. The foundation is a critical element in the design. The most common foundation design is a single large diameter pile, termed a monopile. Pile diameters of b
Monopiles have been by far the most common support structure used for offshore turbines, with approximately 75% of existing wind farms founded on these large diameter steel tubes EWEA(2014). However, despite the widespread prevalence of monopiles across the wind sector, the desig
This paper presents the results of compression and tension load tests performed on a single helical pile installed in dense sand. The pile was instrumented using strain gauges that allowed the shaft and base load resistance to be separated and the distribution of shaft resistance
To date, monopiles are the most popular foundations used in the offshore wind sector, accounting for over 75% of existing turbine foundations. The cyclic lateral loading response of these foundations is one of the most important issues to be considered during the life-cycle desig
This paper presents the results of a field investigation into pile aging in soft clay that was conducted over a period of 10 years. Static load tests were conducted after the excess pore pressure generated by the installation of 6-m-long, driven concrete piles were fully equalize
Expansion of the offshore UK wind energy sector has stimulated renewed interest in the response of piles to lateral and moment loads. This paper compares the state of the art in foundation design with current industry trends in offshore wind turbine construction. The historical e
Offshore piles are subjected to complex loading regimes that include both rapidly applied static and cyclic loads. This paper describes an experimental investigation conducted to assess the factors influencing the response of offshore piles to these loading conditions. The tests
This paper describes an experimental investigation designed to assess the impact of pile end condition on the capacity of piles installed in soft clay. A series of field tests are described in which instrumented open-ended and closed-ended model piles were jacked into soft clay.
Piles for offshore wind turbines
A state-of-the-art review
The paper considers the current state of the art for estimating the pull-out capacity of driven open-ended piles used to support wind turbine foundations founded on sand. The latest edition of the American Petroleum Institute guidelines for pile design includes a conventional ear
The offshore wind sector is undergoing rapid expansion across Europe, driven by the demand for renewable energy and uncertainties regarding fossil fuel supplies. The proposed wind farms are creating significant geotechnical challenges, particularly in terms of efficient foundatio