Ali Akbar Zinatizadeh
15 records found
The synthesis of chemically derived bituminous-based activated carbons (ACs) was conducted in this research. The study examined the efficacy of the KOH-2 modified AC by conducting batch experiments under different operating settings. Pollutant concentration, adsorbent dosage and
The objective of this study was to treat different types of industrial wastewaters (milk processing wastewater, soft drink wastewater, and soybean oil plant wastewater) using modified configurations of a bioreactor called one-stage internal dual circulation airlift A2O (DCAL-A2O)
Within this research, a one-stage hybrid dual internal circulation airlift A2O (DCAL-A2O) bioreactor was designed and operated to simultaneously remove carbon, nitrogen and phosphorous (CNP) from milk processing wastewater (MPW) in different operational circumstances. The substan
This study focuses on the development of an air-lift bio-electrochemical reactor (ALBER) with a continuous feeding regime. The objective is to enhance nitrogen removal from synthetic wastewater with a low carbon-to-nitrogen (C/N) ratio. The chemical oxygen demand (COD) and total
Combined anaerobic-aerobic bioreactors offer considerable potential for treating different industrial wastewaters. However, difficulty in maintaining a stable coexistence of anaerobic, anoxic, and aerobic microbial communities and the necessity of space-consuming external settler
Concurrent removal of carbon and nutrients in a one-stage dual internal circulation airlift A2O bioreactor from milk processing industrial wastewater
Process optimization, sludge characteristics and operating cost evaluation
In this work, a one-stage dual internal circulation airlift anaerobic/anoxic/aerobic (DCAL-A2O) bioreactor was continuously operated for concurrent removal of nutrients and organics from milk processing wastewater (MPW). Special configuration of the airlift A2O bioreactor created
A novel hybrid airlift bioreactor (HALBR) for simultaneous carbon and nitrogen removal from composting leachate was studied. In contrast to conventional airlift bioreactors, an anaerobic chamber was mounted at the bottom part to improve biodegradability of composting leachate and
Developing an effective and stable separation membrane for water treatment is of much interest while challenging because of the restrictions of membrane fouling and water flux reduction. To minimize this problem, in this work, highly porous and hydrophilic nanostructure of NH
The aim of this study was to remove non-biodegradable colored compounds from biologically treated baker's yeast effluent using an antifouling membrane in order to facilitate reuse of the wastewater. To get this purpose, in a facile effort, a new nanofiller, citric acid functional
In this research, the manufacture and properties of polyethersulfone (PES)-based mixed matrix nanofiltration (MM-NF) membranes modified with β-cyclodextrin functionalized multiwalled carbon nanotubes (β-CD/MWCNTs) were studied. The β-CD/MWCNTs nanocomposite was synthesized using
In recent years, source-separated human urine has been highlighted as an effective resource for energy and nutrient recovery. However, even though several technologies exist for resource recovery, they have not been widely implemented. Among these technologies, bioelectrochemical
The feasibility of a continuous feed and intermittent discharge airlift bioreactor for simultaneous carbon and nitrogen removal from a low COD/N wastewater was evaluated. The effect of two independent variables, HRT (10–20 h) and NH4 +/(NH4 +
The possibility of continuous hygienic water production from wastewater in a combined system comprising an innovative air lift bioreactor and a membrane module was investigated. To improve the performance of a commercial poly acrylonitrile ultra-filtration membrane, layer by laye
This study surveys the effect of different operational models, batch, continuous, and continuous feeding with intermittent discharge (CFID), on the performance of an air lift reactor (ALR) and a stirred tank reactor (STR) in terms of simultaneous removal of CNP from milk processi
High rate simultaneous nutrients removal in a single air lift bioreactor with continuous feed and intermittent discharge regime
Process optimization and effect of feed characteristics
In this research, continuous feed and intermittent discharge air lift bioreactor (CFIDAB) was evaluated under two independent variables to treat milk processing wastewater (MPW). The effect of HRT (6-14 h) and air flow rate (1-3 l/min) on the performance of CFIDAB was studied in