J. Pierotti

6 records found


One of the world’s biggest challenges is that living beings have to share a limited amount of resources. As people of science, we strive to find innovative ways to better use these resources, to reach and positively affect more and more people. In the field of optimization, we ai ...

Metaheuristics have been widely used to solve NP-hard problems, with excellent results. Among all NP-hard problems, the Travelling Salesman Problem (TSP) is potentially the most studied one. In this work, a variation of the TSP is considered; the main differences being, edges ...

Combinatorial optimization (CO) problems are at the heart of both practical and theoretical research. Due to their complexity, many problems cannot be solved via exact methods in reasonable time; hence, we resort to heuristic solution methods. In recent years, machine learning ...

Automated vehicles are becoming a reality. Expectations are that AVs will ultimately transform personal mobility from privately owned assets to on-demand services. This transformation will enhance the possibility of sharing trips, leading to shared AVs (SAVs). The preeminent aim ...


Automated vehicles have the potential to create a future in which most cars are shared instead of being individually owned and used. The advantages of vehicle sharing are expected to be multiple: reduced traffic, freed-up parking space, safer trips and a lower environmental impac ...

Taxis Dispatch

Minimizing waiting times by maximizing coverage

In this thesis, we investigate whether maximizing the coverage of taxis can be beneficial when the goal is to minimize the waiting times of the clients. When dispatching taxis, often only current requests are taken into account and not future ones. We examined how beneficial it c ...