This paper concerns with the determination of a suitable level of overplanting for photovoltaic systems. For this purpose, six futuristic operational scenarios for the Dutch electrical power system are generated for year 2050. A synthetic model is developed by using DIgSILENT Pow
This paper concerns with the determination of a suitable level of overplanting for photovoltaic systems. For this purpose, six futuristic operational scenarios for the Dutch electrical power system are generated for year 2050. A synthetic model is developed by using DIgSILENT Power Factory 2022 SP3 to investigate the steady-state systemic performance in each operational scenario, taking into account three cases with different levels of overplanting. Power flow calculations are conducted to reflect on the resulting voltage profiles and active power losses as well as on the implications on the required network upgrades (e.g. addition of lines, transformers, and reactive power compensation devices).@en