Adam Washington
7 records found
Tailoring the solution chemistry of metal halide perovskites requires a detailed understanding of precursor aggregation and coordination. In this work, we use various scattering techniques, including dynamic light scattering (DLS), small angle neutron scattering (SANS), and spin-
The first measurements of magnetic correlation functions are presented using time-of-flight Spin-echo modulated small angle neutron scattering (SEMSANS) on the Larmor instrument at the ISIS pulsed neutron source. The accessible length scale is beyond that of the conventional SANS
Fullerene derivatives are used in a wide range of applications including as electron acceptors in solution-processable organic photovoltaics. We report agglomeration of fullerene derivatives in optically opaque solutions of PC61BM and PC71BM, with concentrat
The initial formation stages of surfactant-templated silica thin films which grow at the air-water interface were studied using combined spin-echo modulated small-angle neutron scattering (SEMSANS) and small-angle neutron scattering (SANS). The films are formed from either a cati
SESANS data analysis has been implemented in the SasView software package, allowing SESANS experiments to be analyzed using a numerical Hankel transformation of isotropic small-angle scattering (SAS) models. The error of the numerical approximation is three orders of magnitude be
Cyphochilus beetle scales are amongst the brightest structural whites in nature, being highly opacifying whilst extremely thin. However, the formation mechanism for the voided intra-scale structure is unknown. Here we report 3D x-ray nanotomography data for the voided chitin netw
To investigate long length scale structures using neutron scattering, real space techniques have shown certain advantages over the conventional methods working in reciprocal space. As one of the real space measurement techniques, spin echo modulated small angle neutron scattering