H. Pirgazi

10 records found

Maraging steel (MS1)-tool steel (P20) bimetals additively manufactured using the laser powder bed fusion technique were studied under different heat treatment cycles and loading conditions. The hardening of P20 and aging of MS1 were performed sequentially on the hybrid samples. T ...
The deformation performance of maraging steel samples fabricated using the laser powder bed fusion technique was evaluated using the split Hopkinson torsion bar (SHTB) test. Thin-walled tubular maraging steel samples were deformed under dynamic torsional loading at strain rates o ...
In this work, the effect of heating rate on the phase transformation temperatures was investigated using dilatometry analysis. Continuous heating and isothermal holding above Ac3 temperature on microstructural evolutions in additively manufactured (AM) parts of Fe-Cr-N ...
Inconel 718 superalloy cylindrical rods were fabricated using the laser powder bed fusion (L-PBF) technology in the vertical orientation. The rods were stress-relieved at 980 °C for 15 min before cutting them from the build plate. The microstructure in this condition exhibited a ...
Automated mapping of crystallographic orientations based on the diffraction of electrons has been widely employed to characterize the microstructure of crystalline materials. The most commonly used technique in this field is Electron Backscatter Diffraction (EBSD), which is a sca ...
Characterization of the austenite phase at high temperatures is important for understanding the microstructural evolution during steel processing. The austenite phase structure can be reconstructed from the room-temperature microstructure employing the crystallographic orientatio ...
In this research, the validity of the deformation texture simulation based on the full-constraint (FC) Taylor model is assessed by a semi in-situ observation of crystal rotation during rolling. In order to study the deformation behavior of individual grains, successive rolling re ...

Additive manufactured versus cast AlSi10Mg alloy

Microstructure and micromechanics

This study aims at assessing the effect of solution heat treatment (at a temperature just below the eutectic temperature) followed by various cooling rates on the microstructure and mechanical properties of additively manufactured AlSi10Mg and the cast counterpart. The mechanical ...
Due to high local cooling rates and non-equilibrium directional solidification conditions, selective laser melting (SLM) processed metals exhibit microstructural and textural features significantly different from the conventionally processed ones. The evolution of crystallographi ...
Three-dimensional Electron Back Scattering Diffraction (3D-EBSD)is a technique for microstructure characterization that works by sequential sectioning via mechanical polishing, Focused Ion Beam (FIB)milling or layer ablation by laser. In this technique, consecutive steps of sampl ...