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O van den Berg
Academic Work (7)
Journal article (6)
Poster (1)
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7 records found
Highly sensitive water-soluble fluorescent pH sensors based on the 7-amino-1-methylquinolinium chromophore
Journal article (2010) -
Wolter Jager (author)
W.F. Jager (author)
Wolter F. Jager (author)
TS Hammink (author)
O van den Berg (author)
Ferdinand C. Grozema (author)
F.C. Grozema (author)
FC Grozema (author)
Ferdinand Grozema (author)
F. C. Grozema (author)
Fluorescent pH sensors based on a mocular approach using the 7-amino-1-methyl-quinolinium luminophore
Poster (2009) -
Wolter F. Jager (author)
Wolter Jager (author)
W.F. Jager (author)
TS Hammink (author)
O van den Berg (author)
On the wavelength-dependent performance of Cr-doped silica in selective photo-oxidation
Journal article (2008) -
O van den Berg (author)
MS Hamdy-Saad (author)
MS Hamdy-Saad (author)
T Maschmeyer (author)
J.A. Moulijn (author)
Jacob A. Moulijn (author)
Jacob Moulijn (author)
JA Moulijn (author)
M Bonn (author)
G Mul (author)
G. Mul (author)
7-Dialkylamino-1-alkylquinolinium Salts: Highly Versatile and Stable Fluorescent Probes
Journal article (2006) -
O van den Berg (author)
Wolter F. Jager (author)
W.F. Jager (author)
Wolter Jager (author)
Stephen Picken (author)
Stephen J. Picken (author)
S. J. Picken (author)
S.J. Picken (author)
SJ Picken (author)
A Wavelength-Shifting Fluorescent Probe for Investigating Physical Aging
Journal article (2006) -
O van den Berg (author)
Wolter F. Jager (author)
W.F. Jager (author)
Wolter Jager (author)
D Cangialosi (author)
J. van Turnhout (author)
Jan van van Turnhout (author)
Jan Van Turnhout (author)
Jan Turnhout (author)
J. Van Turnhout (author)
Jan van Turnhout (author)
J Van Turnhout (author)
J Turnhout (author)
J van Turnhout (author)
J. Turnhout (author)
Jan van Turnhout (author)
Jan van Van Turnhout (author)
P.J.T. Verheijen (author)
PJT Verheijen (author)
P. J T Verheijen (author)
Peter J.T. Verheijen (author)
M Wubbenhorst (author)
S.J. Picken (author)
S. J. Picken (author)
Stephen J. Picken (author)
Stephen Picken (author)
SJ Picken (author)
Chromium-incorporated TUD-1 as a new visible light-sensitive photo-catalyst for selective oxidation of propane.
Journal article (2006) -
MS Hamdy-Saad (author)
MS Hamdy-Saad (author)
O van den Berg (author)
JC Jansen (author)
J.C. Jansen (author)
Th Maschmeyer (author)
A Arafat (author)
Jacob Moulijn (author)
Jacob A. Moulijn (author)
J.A. Moulijn (author)
JA Moulijn (author)
G Mul (author)
G. Mul (author)
Real-time fluorescence for determining the relative sensitivities of reactive and non-reactive fluorescent probes
Journal article (2003) -
W.F. Jager (author)
Wolter Jager (author)
Wolter F. Jager (author)
O van den Berg (author)